Jan 17, 2007 19:00
[started on Monday, Jan 15th] .... I think ...
Well I finally had my appt. with the neurologist. The good news is that I have a brain and it's in working order; the bad news is that I may be suffering from either a siezure disorder, or a pseudo seizure disorder. There is little or no difference between how these two conditions manifest, but the first is physiological and the second is psychological.
Who woulda thunk that there could bet yet more layers to the onion that is me *grin*?
Dr. P. has scheduled me for further testing -- CAT, EEG, MRI, and blood tests -- which I am supposed to attend in a sleep deprived state. Apparently doing so allows for my brain to mimic how it would be were I suffering from one of my "episodes". Dr. P. confirmed that these are very typical descriptions of a seizure (black outs, numbness, and muscle freezing) so either way I will have more answers regarding this interruption in my life. The other piece of good news about this all is that the best medication (for me) also happens to be widely used in the maintenance of my possible bipolar condition. There we go, two treatments for the price of one *smile*. It will be wonderful to eventually have this sorted out!!!!
On another front, I am fully engaged in painting some new pieces. My successful photo shoot last week has enervated me and given me many ideas (and source images) for future pieces. I plan on doing a series of paintings that memorialize some of the lesser known "heroes" and "villains" in our culture: Icarus, Sophia, "lesser" Hindu God(dess) figures, and some contemporary "icons". I plan to capture these subjects in new ways and somewhat unexpected relationships. I've certainly got all the ideas and many of the sources that I need. More on that front later ....
Have to run of to my t'pist appt now. I'll write again later