(no subject)

May 11, 2006 19:00

Had a pretty rough week at work. Ended up fucking up a bunch of small things but the worst was when my boss e-mailed some research to do for an entire afternoon and it turned out I read it wrong and ended up spending four hours producing nothing. Consulting firms are all about billable hours, and when you aren't working directly for a client the money comes strait out of the company. So your constantly having to justify each hour of work, and if you don't finish the work in how long it was suppose to take they get pissed off. It's just so stressful as my writting skills or style aren't where they should be for this kind of work. I'm starting to rethink working in the consulting world, maybe even land use planning in general.

More Post, Problems and

My parents phoned yesterday to say that they put an offer in on a house. They seemed a bit disapointed when my immediate reaction wasn't excitment. They can't move out of Avondale!, it's my childhood home, it's a family member to me. It would be horrible if they moved before I had a chance to travel back to Waterloo to properly part ways with that house. Just to go back and see my parents in a different home wouldn't be right. My parents are conscience of this though, I am guessing if the offer does go through they would subsidize a good portion of my plane ticket for helping move. I'm sure i'd have no problem getting a week of work.

Here are some e-mailed picture of the house. The size and look is almost comical. Where do they get all the money? An indoor pool?!? The house is in Colonial Acres, so atleast they are moving to what a suburb was meant to look and feel like.

In other news I realized today that I haven't seen it be totally dark out in about 2 weeks. I've been out as late as 1am and the sky is still somewhat lit. In a little while it will be almost bright all the time. Here's a picture out of my window last week taken at about 11:30, it's like permanent dusk.

Me and my brother drove west to Rae-Edzo last week to take some pictures. We ended up not taking that many photo's, and none of them were that good. But Blog's aren't about perfection so here yull go.

The only road back to Civilization and it wasn't even paved for about 40km. I wonder if i'll ever make the 20 hour drive south to Edmonton.

Ontop of a small ridge about halfway between Rae and Yellowknife.
Both me and my brother began the not shaving/growing hair long look last christmas. I stopped as soon as I realized it didn't help getting a job. Seeing my brother now makes me wonder how I would have looked. The photo's of us hitting stones off of the ridge reminded me that I joined a slowpitch team this summer.

The Dene First Nations Community of Rae-Edzo

Now to try to sleep. I have to save my strength for tomorrow night as I plan to be partying hard into my 25th year.
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