(no subject)

Mar 06, 2007 21:34

So I've been feeling very ambivalent about my writing lately, and decided to do this in order to remind myself that there are multiple things I've written that make me happy.

Writer's Meme: Sometimes it's okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the best things you've written, but what you love most.

1. Run (popslash) - This is the only Popslash story on the list. It’s one of the first things I ever wrote, and while I was known for writing humorous stuff and hot stuff, this felt like something *real*. I think it’s possibly the best thing I’ve ever written. I chose it as my safe story when I did remix (and turns out that was an extremely good decision).

I think this was the first time I started experimenting with different styles of writing. I wanted to see what it would be like to write an entire story where Justin never says a word, despite being the narrator. It’s also the first story I wrote in present-tense, which ended up being the tense I’ve used for all of the serious stories I’ve written.

Overall, being that I’d only been writing for about a month, a lot of things about Run are amateurish, but I’ll love it forever, just for what it meant to me that I was able to write something like that.

2. Reclaiming (SGA) - God, I’m so proud of this story. It was written with the same motivation as Run - I wanted to write something that wasn’t just humor and hot sex (which are awesome to write too, but variety can be nice), and Reclaiming was the result. I’m always full of admiration for writers who can write at length easily, because I tend to shorten and shorten as I write, so that everything is as tense and taut as possible. It works perfectly in Reclaiming though. Over a year later, I don’t think there’s very much I’d change.

I like that Reclaiming can be read as gen or preslash, depending on your orientation, because that’s not what it’s about. Reclaiming is about intimacy, and how you choose to interpret that intimacy is up to you (although for me, it’s always about the preslash, because I am such a crazy J/R shipper).

3. Feed Your Head (SGA) - This is probably the funnest story I've ever written. I still laugh whenever I think about it. I’d never written stoned fic before, and it was such a great opportunity to play around. Ronon constructs a fruit bowl out of his hair! John can’t say ‘Atlantis’! Teyla crawls off into the corner to bond with her people! Actually, if there’s one thing about this story I really regret, it’s that people started attributing the ‘Teyla and her people’ thing to me, when it really came from the wonderful imagination of makesmewannadie. John is just so adorable and happy in this story. It was nice to write him that way.

4. Knot Really a Story (SGA) - This was just so hot and so fun to write. There’s not even a smidgen of a plot and it totally plays to all of my kinks - bondage, orgasm denial, frantic and begging John being methodically broken down into tiny pieces by scientific Rodney - but sometimes, that’s what writing porn is about. Weirdly, despite the deep love the fandom seems to have for very mildly kinky PWPs, this one slipped right through the cracks. I still love it muchly though.

5. Predatory Analysis (SGA) - After doing the commentary so recently, I’m kind of burned out of talking about the story and reiterating the same reasons why I’m proud of it, but here they are in quick bullet point:

- It was the first non-OTP pairing I ever wrote.
- I was the first person to ever write this pairing, and writing something new in this fandom is almost unheard of by this point.
- It dealt with the moronic notion that Ronon wouldn’t eat with silverware after coming from a clearly technically advanced planet
- I got the chance to write from the POVs of somebody not from my country, and somebody not from my galaxy.
- Also, this was my first real story in almost half a year of not writing. That it got the response it did overwhelms me and still makes me happy to this day.

So, yes, there you have it. Five things I wrote and love (even if they’re not the stories everybody else would choose). And one runner-up (which used to be something else, but I forgot about 'Kiss me, you fool!'

Kiss me, you fool! - This story is just LOVE for me. I had *so much fun* writing each of the scenarios. Seriously, I can't even begin to emphasize the fun I had. A lifetime of reading romance novels finally paid off. Plus, as the years have gone on, it's been even funnier to see some of these scenarios actually being written! Love, love, love.

ETA: I forgot to say, thank you to whomever sent me the vgift for my profile page! I love getting those things and the "women rock" theme is slamming.

thoughts on fic

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