Fic: Knot Really a Story (Sheppard/McKay, nc-17)

Oct 26, 2005 07:28

I'm not really sure how this happened. One minute I was talking to lyra_sena, and the next, I was writing her dirty porn. Clearly she has special powers, which hopefully she will only use for good and not evil.

There's no plot here, not even a smidgen of one. There's no context at all. This is porn, plan and simple, with a very nc-17 rating. For those of you who care about these kind of things, there is some bondage.

“Touch me,” John said through gritted teeth. “I need you to touch me.” He strained against the knots, but Rodney had come prepared, and he could barely move at all.

Rodney laughed into his neck, and never stopped the maddeningly random drifting of his hands. “You don’t know what you need.”

“And you do?” John was suddenly furious, because this wasn’t a game, this was serious and real, and he had no control here, no way out, nothing to hold onto except for Rodney, and Rodney was having way too much fun. “McKay, let me go.”

This time, Rodney didn’t even bother answering, just pressed a series of kisses down his chest, ending with a slow sucking bite below his navel. John jerked reflexively, and Rodney smirked at him - so fucking smug.

Rodney let him go to fumble with the lube, and then he was back, circling John’s hole with a tormentingly light touch, dipping in the barest amount and then pulling back to circle some more. The lube made everything frictionless and John panted for air as Rodney’s fingers glided around and around, until they finally slid inside as far as they could go.

He writhed in the bonds, trying anything he could to just get Rodney to *touch him*, but all there was, was the feel of Rodney’s long fingers inside of him, curling and tapping against his prostate, and then tapping again. Each new tap made his cock twitch with need, and he was close, so close, but it wasn’t going to get him there, Rodney was giving him just enough to keep him on the knife-edge.

“I wish you could see yourself,” Rodney said, scissoring his fingers lazily, while John ground down against him and nearly cried he was so desperate. “You can’t stop yourself at all.”

“Suck me,” John hissed, because he was so turned on he could barely remember words at all, just that these could get him what he needed, what Rodney had been teasing him with for what felt like hours now.

Rodney twisted his fingers, and smiled when the few words John had left disintegrated into loud moans. “Maybe you can come just like this. It could take a long time, but hey, the results would be worth it.”

Jesus, maybe he could, but it would take so long, and Rodney would never stop and there was nothing John could do except lie there and take it while each brush of Rodney’s fingers opened him up in new ways.

“Is it so hard to admit how much you need it?” Rodney asked, and god, his breath was feathering across the head of John’s cock. A quick lick, and John caught his breath, but it was just another cruel tease. “I’ve never followed your orders before, what makes you think I’m going to start now?”

John bit back the pleas that wanted to come tumbling out, the cries choking in his throat, and Rodney never stopped fucking smiling, like he knew something John didn’t, like he was going to keep on playing every single nerve in John’s body until John gave in and lost himself.

Rodney shrugged, and tapped again and again, each touch exponentially more intense than the last. “Like I said, Colonel, I’ve got nothing but time.”

He moved down to the curve of John’s hip, and bit hard, holding on while John stiffened and nearly lost it right then and there. Rodney pulled back with a loud sucking sound, and then mouthed John’s balls, pulling back to let the rough stubble on his cheeks rasp against the insanely sensitive skin. John couldn’t hold in the whimper this time, and Rodney pounced on it, rubbing and nuzzling, and god, between that and Rodney’s ruthless fingers, maybe he really *was* going to be able to come like this, because he was getting closer and closer, he could see the end now, and it was going to be mind-blowing and amazing, and -

Rodney stopped, and John whimpered, sounding high-pitched and needy like he’d sworn he’d never be.

“Is it really so hard to say please, Colonel?” Rodney said, and it was unfair, so fucking unfair how he knew everything about John and used it against him like this. “Do you really think there’s any way you’re going to win?”

Rodney sucked a mark into his thigh, like he didn’t already know that he owned John in every way possible, and John was strong, he was determined, he knew never to give in to torture, but Rodney was never going to stop, and he wasn’t bored or impatient, just amused at watching John fight himself when they both knew the foregone conclusion.

“Rodney,” he said haltingly, and Rodney rewarded him with a soft kiss at the base of his cock, right above his balls. “Please.”

“Mmm, what’s that?” Rodney circled his fingers, and licked his way up to the head while John contorted himself to try to get into Rodney’s mouth. “I don’t think I heard you.”

“Please,” he said again, because it got easier the second time around. “Please, Rodney, please.”

Rodney hummed, a satisfied little sound, and without any more buildup, swallowed John all the way down, sucking and sucking while his fingers searched out every single hidden place inside of John that made him shiver and moan. He pulled back, letting John go with an obscene wet slurp, and waited to hear more. John was too far gone to do anything but oblige.

“Anything,” he groaned. “I’ll tell you anything you want, just, Rodney, *please*”

Rodney smiled at him, surprisingly sweet. “That’s all you needed to say.”

He took John back in, slowly this time, but John could feel this was for real, no more teasing, and he wanted to come, he wanted to come more than anything in the world, but Rodney had pushed him so far that he couldn’t let go, and each new bit of skin sliding into Rodney’s mouth made him crazier until he was almost frantic, and saying things he never wanted to remember.

Rodney flicked his tongue against the notch under the head, and it spread through John like a match in a river of gasoline. He bit his lip, trying to be as quiet, but it was hopeless, Rodney had him, had caught him in every way possible, and all he could do was come and come and come.

He shuddered afterwards, feeling cold and exposed, but Rodney was untying him and pulling a blanket over his shoulders before sliding under and wrapping his arms around John’s oversensitive skin. For once, Rodney said nothing, just made soothing noises and held John while he shook, and maybe John had broken open, but nobody was better than Rodney at putting things back together.

Whew, I am so porned out now. Somebody had better write me something in return!

porny!, fic, john/rodney, sgafic

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