May 27, 2005 17:22
Well, it looks like the entry I was working on wandered into cyber space, forgotten forever, at least by me. My entry was about the wonderful weather we are having here. Blue skies, sunshine and in the 70's. The locals don't like the "really hot temps", their words, not mine. They whine and melt when it gets into the 90's. Thankfully this only occurs about 2 or 3 days every year.
School is almost over. The boys are REALLY counting down the days. What they don't realize is that we are going to have LIFE classes during summer break. Classes on how to properly brush you teeth, make your bed etc. I am going to make them assume more responsibilities by this fall. You might say, ha ha, she has high hopes. No, I am just certain that there are things I want them to learn and once they show they have the ability I will no longer do it for them. Having absolutely nothing to wear because it has not been folded and put away is a great motivator to get your clothes completed.
This next Friday is supposed to be our annual CHOOSE picnic. The boys are really looking forward to it and I am looking forward to a break from school and CHOOSE. I also can't wait until I am through babysitting for these two extra kids. Hopefully this will all be over by the middle or end of June. Probably the end. We are still waiting for the house to start. This Saturday will be our fourth meeting and part of it is supposed to actual take place out on the job site. They can't keep them any longer than two hours without having a port-a-potty on site. And they are still talking about getting them all done by Feb. That will be a miracle but a possible one with all the local business owners helping out. We will have to see how this all plays out.