Title: Enough
chokingsmokerPairing: Ohmiya (Ohno Satoshi and Ninomiya Kazunari), Yama (Ohno Satoshi and Sakurai Sho)
Rating: PG [?]
Disclaimer: Not for profit. Fiction.
Word Count: 2,028
Summary: Sakurai Sho thinks about Ohno Satoshi.
Notes: I tried to write Sho as the deep thinking Keio boy I've
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OK, so I love Leader-centric fic in general (really can't help being an Ohno-fangirl^^"), but I loved this especially for all the little "information-cameo". Like that Jun had a crush on Sho for the longest time (because YES! he was so obviously crushing on Sho in those first days of Arashi that it's not even funny anymore!), or that Jun, Nino and Aiba had been in a Junior-group together, or that Ohno is the one to initiate a lot of physical contact with Sho. (Because I find that quite interesting - especially in concerts it seems that Ohno will often be the one to reach out to Sho to touch him, while he usually is the one who gets touched by the others.)
I also really liked the way you interpreted things that Sho noticably does - like being the first to laugh at whatever Ohno does.
Hopefully, Sho will some day overcome his insecurities and just pounce on Ohno and ravish him! XD (At least in your fic-verse. I'm sure Nino wouldn't mind too much, as long as Sho offers to make an interactive game for him out of it. ;
am an ohno fangirl, too, and love leader-centric fics as a rule, so i thought it fitting that everyone should love him in my first fic. little jun thought the world revolved around sakurai for a while, before he decided it was not so and joined the ohno fan club.
yes, sho usually is the first to laugh at what ohno does, even if it's the most unspectacular thing [ah, but the ohno fangirl in me says, everything ohno does is wonderful *bricked*]. whenever ohno opens his mouth, sho looks at him like he's about to burst with mirth. well not all the time, but still...
sho pouncing on ohno would be good. he'd better make sure nino isn't around, though.
thanks again!
That's one of the things I love about Sho - he's so ready to find things in his life hilarious and he seems to regard Ohno as his main source of mirth. ^__^
Sho could pounce on Ohno while Nino's off plotting world domination with Jun and Aiba? (Or at least Jun and Nino are plotting world domination. Aiba is just too distracted by all the shiny things he's allowed to invent to pay much heed to what the goal is.)
sho and aiba and ohno, they laugh all the time! i love it! what strikes me, though, is that sho seems to be the only one who knows what he is laughing at. *shot*
sho could probably ravish ohno while nino and jun are bickering over who gets to be number one. and i can picture aiba jumping from place to place, saying "oooh, sparkly..." in awe
oh, may i add you?
Tattooed Ohno - you mean the orgy one? *blush* Thank you! ^-^
sho and aiba and ohno, they laugh all the time! i love it! what strikes me, though, is that sho seems to be the only one who knows what he is laughing at.
...Y-yes, that might well be... v-v" Ohno often seems to laugh at the things in his own head - but then, his head seems to be a very special place. ^^"
sho could probably ravish ohno while nino and jun are bickering over who gets to be number one. and i can picture aiba jumping from place to place, saying "oooh, sparkly..." in awe
Yes, please! ^-^ Honestly, I thought the scene you described in your fic, with Sho molesting an unconscious Ohno was really hot, so I'd love to see more of that! *___*
oh, may i add you?
Of course! I'll add you back! ^-^
(The comment has been removed)
I totally agree - everyone doing Ohno and Ohno doing everyone are the best kinds of wonderful! XD (And no worries, I totally understand what you mean. ^-^)
i agree. i wonder what's inside, i mean apart from art and fishing and food and dancing and porn and nino.
And his mom! XD (Though your icon does sum Ohno's likely thought process up very neatly.)
But it would be interesting to know how he sees the world - if my theory is correct and he does have a mild case of the attention deficit disorder, he might view the world differently from other people... ^-^
YOU WROTE SCHEDULE, YES, I REMEMBER! ILUSM! ONE OF THE BEST FICS EVAR! YEY! and orgy! yes! all wonderful and shiny! *controls flailing* seriously, schedule is one of the best stories i read, not only because it's ohno centered, but because it's very funny and the characterizations were purrfect! and i think it happened! *shot*
but then, his head seems to be a very special place. ^^"
you are so right. i wonder what's inside, though. apart from art and fishing and food and dancing and porn and nino, i mean. *grins*
Honestly, I thought the scene you described in your fic, with Sho molesting an unconscious Ohno was really hot, so I'd love to see more of that! *___*
i wanted to continue that scene, but i suddenly caught fire and was unable to do so. i'm still suffering from major burns *whimpers*
*provides fire extinguisher*
Maybe you could "fight fire with fire"? XD
I totally agree - everyone doing Ohno and Ohno doing everyone are the best kinds of wonderful! XD (And no worries, I totally understand what you mean. ^-^)
there's no going around it this time: GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE! *maimed*
And his mom! XD (Though your icon does sum Ohno's likely thought process up very neatly.)
what kind of ohno fan am i? i forgot about his mom! somebody take me out and shoot me!
But it would be interesting to know how he sees the world - if my theory is correct and he does have a mild case of the attention deficit disorder, he might view the world differently from other people... ^-^mild is putting it mildly! :D seriously though, i think maybe he lives in his head and his thought processes are too fast for him, making him unable to react to the world going on outside. that could probably be why he appears to say strange things, because more than ( ... )
Anyway! ^-^
there's no going around it this time: GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE!
Definitely! XD (Especially when it comes to the fact that there clearly should be more Sho/Ohno fic in fandom, right? XD)
mild is putting it mildly! :D seriously though, i think maybe he lives in his head and his thought processes are too fast for him, making him unable to react to the world going on outside. that could probably be why he appears to say strange things, because more than half of the conversation has been going on in his mind, and everyone who listens to him just caught the tail end of his thoughts. or maybe I think too much. :DWell... he's not too bad, compared to others...^^" (After all, the classic attention deficit disorder is related to narcolepsia, so people who have it badly usually can't react to their environment all that much ( ... )
that's because someone was fiddling with the screen button and forgot to unscreen the comment before logging off. *puts on look of innocence*
I like the thought that Ohno's thought-process works on a different level from other people's (maybe not actually faster, but just on a completely different planet, so to speak) and that what we hear him say merely is the tip of the iceberg. XD It would explain some of the weirder things he's said... ^-^
exactly! i can't help but think that maybe he sees the world from a different perspective and his brain works quite unlike most people's. When I see clips where he says things not quite tangential to the topic, I'd wonder if his brain took unexpected turns [not random loops; that's more Aiba-ish], and his thoughts interconnected with other seemingly disjointed ones, making him blurt out something huh?!-inspiring. as for his spaced-out moments, ( ... )
Ah, screened comment! XD That explains it! ^_________^
Ohno's brain taking unexpected turns makes a lot of sense with the things he says! ^-^ And probably in his brain, the things he connects do belong together - but to explain that to another person, he'd probably have to do a lecture of at least five minutes. ^-^
As for his spaced-out moments... that's what I like the ADD hypothesis for, because it explains both his hyper and his spaced-out moments. ADD is often the result of a lowered brain tension (or electricity), so oftentimes, the brains of people with ADD are in a state that's similar to what others experience shortly before falling asleep. (Which is those people are often hyperactive then - it helps them keep their brains from falling asleep.)
(I'm sorry, I'm rambling.^^")
because sho losing control IS incredibly hot. satoshi losing control is hotter, and arashi losing conrol is the hottest!I agree partly - Arashi losing control is totally ( ... )
I think I once jokingly said that to a friend in a comment and at that moment, I knew that I wanted to make an icon with it! I just didn't really get around to editing the picture and everything until recently. XD
I thought I'd share this post with you just to spread the love then! ^__~
There's nothing like sharing Ohno-love and goodness!!! ^__^
Ohno -centric post!
Sorry for the interupt! *slinks aways*
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