Oct 01, 2005 01:39
Sometimes I really hate college. I hate it because I sit at home on Friday and Saturday nights because I don't want to go out and get drunk like everyone else. And, because it's college, and everyone seems to drink, there's nothing else to do on the weekends but party. It's so annoying.
I've been in a really pissed off and irritable mood the past few days, and I'm not sure why. I feel like I'm letting my anger out on everyone.
I actually had something non-whiny to talk about, but I can't remember.
Oh yeah. My dad is in town this weekend, which is cool, but also sucks. It's cool because I'm finally getting to spend some time with him, and he's starting to treat me like an adult. It sucks because he can get really annoying and preachy about things really quickly. It also sucks because I have two friends in town this weekend that I am trying to make plans with, as well as trying to see my dad, and working. Ahhh. I hate it. Anyway, my dad is leaving on Tuesday to go to Lake Charles for a few days, then to New Orleans for however long they need him. Once they are done with him there, he is going on a trip (a mission, basically) to Israel for a long time (about a year or so). So, um, this is the last time I will see him for a while, and he's even talking about maybe not coming back. Hmmm.
I talked to Kevin Dolan tonight, and while talking to him, I realized just how much I miss my friends. I can't wait until Christmas break. I want to see Matt and Jason and Katy and Sam and Marilyn and Hollis and Taryn and everyone else.
I miss you guys.
I also miss my little ones (Piercee, Christi, Lara). I need to come see you guys.
Alright, it's bed time. I'm exhausted.