(no subject)

Oct 25, 2009 22:41

life continues along its merry path to eternity, and I am just along for the ride. at least the past two weeks have been interesting.

norton store has finally opened again, and I already love/hate my new responsibilities. Ive been put in charge of the food station whenever the food manager is gone for the day/has a day off. what this means is...I have to try and keep the shit together so that its not a total mess when buddy gets back. Like today, I had to stupify everything about the food stuff so that anyone who does the food would know how to do it. i shoudlnt have to, but the signs that buddy put up to tell people were apparently not enough. o well, at least buddy can take them down if he doesnt like them.

i will however come to blows with one of the overnight people. miguel is this chauvanistic self centered i-am-gods-gift-to-everyone type of person, and thinks he knows everything. well, he doesnt. he was suppsed to make sandwiches at 5 am (which was on one of the notes buddy left and the worksheet) but didnt. also we argued about the handwashing sink. the board of health requires that it not be used for anything except handwashing, but i found something in there this morning. the following conversation ensued:

me - miguel, please dont put anything in the handwashing sink, we could get a health violation
migule - what was it?
me - brillo pads
miguel - well, maybe i was cleaning the sink, what do you think of that?
me - ...you don't need three brillo pads to clean the sink

at which point he left the area, which was fine because i did NOT appreaciate his attitude. we'll see what happens when i go in tomorrow morning.

also, all the new people will be the death of the store. theres another jodi, and she acts even worse that the first jodi, i swear to god if she uses that fake splenda sweet voice while tlaking to me again im gonna get diabetes or cancer of whatever people get from fake sugar. bruce is old, and does not know how to use a computer, and paired with miguel tonight im sure it will be an interesting place for me to go in the morning. thank god mike will be there when i get in, we can kill them together and hide the bodies.

better notes:

cassie's party is on saturday!!! i can't wait, i'm totally gonna hot-ify myself and hopefully won't make anyone retch...not that I dont have the right assests to pull my costume off, i just have a little extra of everything to work with. chris is going...and i can't tell you what hes gonna be yet, i want it to be a surprise, just watch for facebook pics. it'll be amazing.

grad school things are more or less moving, i have to hard core work on them tomorrow and probably thursday night. tuesday chris is home and we have to work on his costume, and wednesday i have practice.

o btw, I joined a chorus group. its fun/weird, im the youngest there by at least ten years, but i love singing again, and we have MEN THAT CAN ACTUALLY SING!!!!!!!!! afters years of pre-pubescent boys filling the ranks of choir, its nice to have real voices (although id say all of them are old enough to be my father or grandfather). we'll see on that too

alright, bed time. good night everyone
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