(no subject)

Oct 20, 2006 09:53

As most of you know, Christy and I confronted Mr. Hufty about everything that's been going on for the past year or so in choir. I think most of us feel relatively the same way in that things have changed and not for the better. I'm not going to reiterate what we said to him but I am going to say this:

We, the choir, need to step it up. We may feel as though everything is Mr. Hufty's fault, but in truth, we have more to contribute than we all would like to believe. Seniors: WE NEED TO START LEADING. It is up to us to take that initiative. If you see someone in your section without a pencil, lend them one. If you see someone not standing correctly, correct them (nicely). If you see someone talking when they're not supposed to, tell them they need not to. The rest of us: "Yes sir, no sir". We need to remember to show him respect. If he realizes that we are trying to change, maybe he'll change, too. If he asks us to do something or correct something, then do it. Don't think twice and don't dare think "Oh, I'll remember this so I don't need to mark it." You're wrong. Bite the bullet and messy-up your music. I'm planning on buying extra pencils and setting them up on the piano along with a collateral basket or something so we don't take the pencils. A lot of us take choir seriously, some of us don't, AND I RESPECT THAT. But you better brush up on your acting skills, because when class starts at 7:40, we need to at least act like we care. Stay focused, people. We have goals to accomplish. Him having high standards for us is not a bad thing. But it's common sense that the higher the standard, the more difficult it is to get up to that level... and stay there. So put in effort. That's basically all he asks and really, it's not that hard to do for an hour.

Please guys, we need to do something to change. It doesn't feel good after he does things like he did today and if it's possible to change that, then we MUST do it.

Thanks for reading,

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