
Dec 21, 2008 18:34

Boing Boing linked to a cool photo gallery from WSDOT's sign shop and it got me thinking about Humanist and Grotesque typefaces again. I find typography fascinating--I enjoyed the documentary Helvetica a few months ago, by the way, which gave me new-found appreciation for the face--and it got me browsing Wikipedia to learn about the new ClearviewHwy typeface they're using on all new US Highway signs. In the process I found a free version of the lovely Transport face used in UK road signs and the even lovelier, geometric Tratex face used in Sweden. Tratex is free to download from Sweden's Vägverket web site, while ClearviewHwy costs upwards of $150 per weight. Scandinavian socialism versus American capitalism in microcosm, I guess.

jmtb02's Achievement Unlocked (Flash) is either brilliant commentary on the endless breaking of the fourth wall by the modern computer meta-game OR an amusing throw-away gag about achievements. Either way, I laughed. It's no You Have To Burn The Rope though.

The last week at work was super awesome amazing and probably the most satisfying yet stressful week I've had in my professional career. Lots of creativity and brainstorming. With all the terrible news in the industry lately--more than usual studio closures, EA laying off 10% again--I feel very fortunate to be employed, happy and surrounded by fun, creative people. I am determined to make next year AWESOME. Also here is a fab book about the good old days of LucasArts when I would play Day of the Tentacle over and over and over.

In other news, I am joining Megan and her family in Hawaii for a week this Christmas. Makes a change from dirty suburban snow in Michigan and overcast rainy rain here in San Francisco. It must be the damp air cause I feel colder here than I did in Chicago. Also because I am now a wussy Californian.

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