Sep 12, 2009 19:20
It's been a while since I posted last.
I've got a part-time job which definitely does NOT make use of my intelligence or skills, plus the supervisor is a bit... Jekyll and Hyde.
Adopted my two kittens, Chloe and Bailey :) of which I did post pictures about, plus our puppydog-black labbie Shadow.
Chloe is a six-months female, very timid and shy, but has the curiosity streak a mile-wide.
Bailey is a year old male, very laid back and chirps at me when he does ANYTHING.... yes, this includes using the litterbox, drinking water or even waking up.
They're still in my room but we let them out into the house while Shadow's on the lead for about an hour at a time. So it's kinda nice being able to go into my room with the door closed and nobody thinks twice.
I dunno. I seem and feel very quiet lately, not sure why.
Just don't feel like talking, sorry Kit and Cali, I know you two are used to me coming online and yakking all day.
Cali - I hope your day having to work today was an "easy" one, or am I being tooo optimistic? Want to talk to you about me possibly moving up to Jo'burg, and hear a "local gal's" thoughts.
Parentals are stifling me again and I need to get a job so I can move out with my babies. Thursday was a reunion in town (about an hour's drive from where I live) and I had to say who was going to be there, what time, where we were etc. I get there, and then get a phonecall to see if I'm okay... ARGH.
I know I'm back home and they are my parents, but hellooooooooo, I've been going to pubs on my own in USA, and generally getting a "bit out of hand" every now and again ;) I think I can handle it!
I think I'm gonna scrounge some supper, clean the litterboxes, have a shower and curl up in bed. There's fuckall on tv, per normal.