Mar 14, 2010 20:05
People wonder why I'm so negative toward them. If I so much as ask a question, they call me names, don't include me in their cliche and talk shit about me behind my back. Same with the social workers. There was something "off" about me, according to them, too. So they take my kid away, just to prove their worth as the self-conscious, two-bit bitches they are! That's what it all boils down to in the end: being self-conscious and jealous. Jealous of the fact that I do what I want, because I don't care what people think, and they can't do what they want, because they do care. Furthermore, Tiffany added me first on Facebook to begin with, and I never once commented on her statuses, until she said something rather out of line to me. And I'm dillusional? Sad how people can't remember what they do, and take out their shitty luck and lives on people that clearly don't need to be knocked down any further. Even if I am a bit off, I'm still human. I have a beating heart, blood running through my veins and feelings, too, Goddamnit! When a woman's son passes away, most people, with couth, who aren't always on the defensive and clearly still stuck in their high school years, would show compassion toward them. Even if they act irrational, kind people realize that, the death of their son has taken a lot out of them and are often more than happy to just look the other way. Seriously, think about this. If your friend's son died, would you go over to her house, knock on her door and, when she opens it, yell, "You're such a dumbass!". Not if you're mature, you wouldn't. You seem to think all of you are so mature, because you put your child's needs ahead of your own. But there's more to being a parent than being completely selfless. By attacking me on Facebook yesterday, all you're showing your children is, it's alright to talk shit about someone that's different from you behind their back. And it's alright to ring a woman's doorbell, and yell, "You're such a dumb ass!", right after she's lost a son. Awfully disrespectful. I didn't say, "Hey, Tiffany, how could you leave your kids unattended, while you take a nap, you piece of shit?!", did I? No, I asked, "You leave your children unattended, while you take naps?", because of the way things were written in her status. A mature individual would not name call, especially when the comment is not directed at them and they do not know the person asking the question. They would stay out of it, while the person the comment is directed at says, "Is that what it sounded like? I would never do such a thing! My mother watches them, should I need a nap". See? No argument. Pretty sad how I have to coach girls, who are two years older than me and mothers, as well, on appropriate social conduct... Then, Megan defends Tiffany, because Tiffany is doing the best she can, with a chronic condition and two children to raise alongside it. But she wouldn't dare defend the fact that, I can't look after my son, while he's sick, because I have a chronic condition also, known as emetophobia. Why can't Tiffany just "get over" her fibromayalgia, like I can supposedly just "get over" my emetophobia? I was told by my doctor that, fibromayalgia is a psychological condition, just like emetophobia. Hmmm. And social services talks about the welfare of children, yet they're taking completely innocent two years olds away from their natural mothers, causing lasting psychological damage. And the saddest part? They're really not doing any better as mothers, because they're teaching THEIR children that it's alright to discrimintate against someone; it's alright to hurt people, who suffer from something that's beyond their control. Something that they did not bring upon themselves; something they were likely born with.