For the screenplay, I would probably have Will narrate, though I could probably cut a lot of the thoughts out and find a way to convey it through action or cinematography, if I really work at it.
If I had a myspace, I would totally be watching all of you. xD
I would really like to start an RP up...just for the hell of it. I think it'd be really amusing to play with different characters' reactions to technology.
You can see their MySpace pages (or rather, you can see Will's MySpace page and the status of the others, because they are set to "private" until they are done) without having a MySpace account. Only if you want to be their "friend" do you need a MySpace account. Go to: ...and you'll see it. The others are, naturally: .../rbwgaston .../rbwstriker and .../rbwpete , respectively.
Oh, damn! I didn't realize that! You can see his page, but apparently not his status message - which is where the hints are - if you are not logged into a MySpace account. Boogersnots! Well, I'll just tell you what they are at the moment:
Will: Will is wishing Gaston and Pete would hurry up.
Gaston: Gaston is going to kill many people with Pete if he has to.
If I had a myspace, I would totally be watching all of you. xD
I would really like to start an RP up...just for the hell of it. I think it'd be really amusing to play with different characters' reactions to technology.
Reply ...and you'll see it. The others are, naturally: .../rbwgaston .../rbwstriker and .../rbwpete , respectively.
Will: Will is wishing Gaston and Pete would hurry up.
Gaston: Gaston is going to kill many people with Pete if he has to.
Striker: Striker hates being in chains.
Pete: BeMakin'APlan.
There are your first chapter of Wolves hints. :)
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