Jul 13, 2006 23:13
“Am I at the point of no improvement? What of the death I still dwell in? I try to excel, but I feel no movement. Can I be free of this unreleasable sin?”
::sigh:: I do tend to quote songs a lot in, well… just about everything, don’t I? I’d love to say it’s just because I love music so darn much (which, of course, is true). But it’s more than that. I know it may come as a shock (hah, hah *sarcastic laugh*) but I’m not always the best with words. Sometimes the lyrics to a song can explain what I’m trying to say, about a million times better than I could do on my own. (Which, I suppose, is the reason I am not the one famous for writing and performing lyrics… But anywho…)
Sometimes life is just so stinking frustrating. Wow, betcha you’ve never heard that one before, eh? But it’s true, regardless of the excessively obvious nature of the statement. It’s amazing how things can be going smoothly and according to plan one moment, and the next… Crash. And. Burn. Ouch. Perhaps you might like to know why I’m in such an ill temper? Well even if you don’t want to know, you’re about to find out. (Should you keep reading, that is. Hah)
I was stupid enough to respond to one of those identity theft e-mails. It was very convincing and realistic (or so it seemed at the time…) so I didn’t really think much of it. It was an email from my “bank” (supposedly) claiming that there may have been fraudulent activity with my credit card and that if I didn’t follow the link within the next 48 hours they would cancel the card. I assumed it had something to do with the fact that I had been using the card in Europe and charging a good bit more than usual. It had already been 40 hours since I had received the message, so I foolishly thought I didn’t have much choice but to do what the message said. This was while I was using the wireless in Stonington last night, so I didn’t really have access to my parental guidance system (which could have stopped me from doing something stupid). I now realize how dumb of an idea it is to go along with emails such as this-banks do NOT send emails requiring ALL of your personal information to be entered onto some web link attached to the message. I still can’t believe how willingly I gave up everything. My name, address, phone number, mother’s maiden name, credit card number and security code, social security number. Everything. What a pain in the butt.
Just in case I needed more proof that I’m still an imprudent child, my thoughtlessness allowed something like this to happen. Sometimes I get the feeling I’ll never be able to handle really being on my own. I don’t understand how the world works, I’m far too naïve for my own good, and I have no clue how to handle my own financial affairs. My parents try to explain it to me little by little, but I wonder if I’ll ever get it. Again, I quote:
“I throw up my hands. Oh, the impossibilities; frustrated and tired, where do I go from here? Now I’m searching for the confidence I’ve lost so willingly. Overcoming these obstacles is overcoming my fears.”
Ugh. So what am I afraid of? Growing up, for starters. I’m terrified to try this whole thing on my own. The fear is mixed with a tiny bit of excitement, because it is a thrilling idea to be independent and in control of my own life… but it’s still enough to freak me out once in a while. And when evil people in the world take advantage of those naïve individuals trying to get used to the whole growing up bit, it pisses me off. Do they really need to lie and steal from us and destroy any shred of hope we had for the human race? It’s like they get a kick out of making life more difficult for everyone else. ::sigh:: Well, I suppose you just have to take it a day at a time, right? Live and learn (and then get Luvs©). A quote from The Princess Diaries that has stuck in my mind is this: “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the decision that something else is more important than fear.”
And really, there’s no reason to fear when I know God is with me. I believe He’ll get me through this snag in the road just like all the other innumerable times He’s helped me out of a rough spot. It was a major pain to fix the situation, but I’ll live. Worse things can and will happen, and I’ll be ready when they do.
Here are the rest of the lyrics to the song I kept quoting earlier (“For the Moments I Feel Faint”-Relient K):
“Never underestimate my Jesus. You’re telling me that there’s no hope; I’m telling you, you’re wrong. Never underestimate my Jesus. When the world around you crumbles He will be strong, He will be strong. I think I can’t but I think You can I think You can. I think I can’t, but I think You can, I think You can gather my insufficiencies and place them in Your hands, place them in Your hands, place them in Your hands.”
Again, I could not have said it better myself.