When you arrive on the Thor, you are given a small amount of funding. This consists of a card with your name on it, or several round, flat objects able to fit in the palm of your hand known as credits. In order to keep your credits and to perform transactions the safest way, you can put them on an electronic credit card.
In order to use this card - which is yours and has your name - all you have to do is to pass it through the machine or scanner when you are buying something. This is easier than it sounds, especially because there are instructions, even in your guide.
This credit card can be acquired at a Bank. There are many places where you can connect to the Central Thorian bank, and you can always use your
Guide's GPS in order to find them. Or you can go directly to the Central Bank, but you’ll regret it because
Vogons work there aswell.
Credits are the money used on the S. S. Thor, and are accepted anywhere in the universes where the S. S. Thor takes you. You can earn credits pretty much the same way you’d be able to get money in your world: working, stealing, selling your things and so on.
One credit is equivalent to enough to buy a small drink. Five would be enough to buy a sandwich. I can’t tell you what exactly is the value since every world and country has its own currency.