[ P e r s o n a l ]
Name: Vanja
Previously Stamped As:
Regular: Rufus Shinra
Stereotype: The Knowledgeable One
Class: Black Mage (Almost tied for thief which makes an... interesting combo)
Mirror: Shaula Rui
Villain: Kefka
[ E n v i r o n m e n t ]
Dreaming of a land far and away...
Imagine the one place you wish you could live-- the home of your dreams. Describe its colors, smells, surroundings... go wild.
How about a balanced mixture? I love the culture more present in cities, but also pure nature. Some cities/empires/whatever may be more advanced than others, and the colors, smells, etc, would differ depending on where you are in the world. Different cultures and developments are interesting; I can't imagine living in a world without them.
Does your dream world reside in a medieval setting, rely on technology, or is it a mixture of both?
Medieval settings are great, preferablly with various technological advances which don't seem to fit anything else at all. I just want air conditioning and a decent water system, blast it. Which isn't very helpful since that could apply to almost any FF game; airships are certainly more complex than escalators, yet many FF worlds have the former and not the latter. Hmm.
Kings and queens? Presidents? Perhaps it's a place with no government? Describe the leadership of your land.
No government would be the worst. As for the others, they all have the potential to become corrupt... but, for most regions of the world, I'll say a leader or a group of leaders that may not be elected "presidents" per se, but aren't decided based on something silly like heredity but become corrupt anyway, since almost all governments in video games = corrupt.
Just how peaceful is your land?
It's difficult to maintain peace for too long since strong empires tend to show off their might and the weak tend to get preyed on by them. True to real life! From a strictly gameplay point of view, having near constant wars is more interesting even if I, like most people, would usually prefer to live in peace.
Besides, wouldn't a peaceful video game be rather boring (in addition to a lot less realistic)? "Let's just plant flowers all day and watch them grow! While training to fight off... something. Why do I have this sword again?"
But surely monsters roam in the wilderness! Describe the kinds that live there.
Eccentric looking near-chimera monsters that are adaptable enough that you'll encounter different types depending on the environment.
[ A d v e n t u r e ]
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon...
Whether your land is in a golden era of peace or is in turmoil, it seems a great threat to your world has reared its ugly head. What is it and what are its plans?
The best antagonists are those who aren't completely one-dimensional and that you can almost even sympathize with on some level. I'll say someone that rises to power with intentions they consider good, and who honestly believes whatever they're doing will lead to a better future, but has methods which many others disagree with.
Describe the kinds of weapons and methods being used to defend oneself and attack this threat.
Ah, is that a wrench I see? *picks it up and throws*
I'm fond of the random objects as weapons deal (similar to what they have in Earthbound/Mother), but would like that mixed with more traditional weapons as well. Particularly not insanely large swords, daggers, war hammers, staffs, and bows.
What kind of secrets does your world hide away as you traverse it in search for a solution? (This can be caves unlocking pieces of the past, riches, summons, anything-- be creative!)
1) Ancient artifacts which, if brought to the correct place, will help you gain more insight into a certain aspect of the game's plot.
2) Slightly better weapons and armor than you can find in stores. Generic, but really, it's useful.
3) Anything that could change the party's appearance. I find it amusing and refreshing when you can change the clothes of characters and have it directly affect stats as well. (Whenever given a spiky haired protagonist, I always want access to a barber so badly...)
What is your level-up system like?
While I'd love a more complex battle system (which most FF games don't have, unfortunately), I like the simple "just battle and gain exp" system of actually leveling up.
[ D e t a i l ]
Hear the whispers in the dark...
Describe the music you envision playing in the background as you fight monsters, wander the lands, explore villages... Is it dark, cheerful, inspiring?
Varies depending on the setting. Great music should fit the atmosphere yet have it's own unique sound to it as well. Battle music must be upbeat of course (preferably with each main villain getting their own theme music that reflects their personality and plight), field music differing depending on what I just mentioned, dungeon music which compliments the surrounding field but has a darker tone to it...
How important is the background music to your world?
Very important. If a game as an enticing soundtrack, I automatically like it quite a bit more since the events are complimented so well.
Uh-oh! You just ran into the mandatory, most powerful (though optional) boss in the game. What's it like and what makes it so deadly?
It's a rabbit. Compared to all the strange monsters in the world, no one knows what it is or how it got there. Everyone's too afraid to even get near enough to find out.
I like the idea of it being a legendary, ancient beast which many have tried to conquer but none have survived. After defeating it, we find out it was all mechanical (far advanced for the time) and created for a certain sinister purpose.
What's the prize for kicking this beast in the behind, anyway?
How about being able to unlock "extra end game features" (art, minigames, etc)? The exp and shiny weapons games usually give you are great, but pretty useless when you've already beaten the most powerful boss. I mean, what am I even supposed to do with this super powered ultra weapon now?
[ E x t r a ]
Cue the rolling credits!
So what's the happy ending like?
Pft. Can't we have multiple endings? I love the-world-is-doomed endings in some games if you purposely mess up. Nothing overly cheerful. Something that shows how the world is "back to normal" (whatever that implies) and glimpses into what happened to all the main characters.
As we all know, there are many options for this theme. What world do you think you are most suited for, and why?
I can think of several places that could work, but would also have their drawbacks. I will say I'd feel like bashing my head against the wall if I were stuck in the VII world though. Rereading this, I kept on thinking of RPGs which aren't Final Fantasy, so apologies if it's difficult.
Anything else you'd like to mention about this world of your's?
I've voted on...