[ P e r s o n a l ]
Name: Christina.
Previously Stamped As: Quistis for the regular.
[ E n v i r o n m e n t ]
Dreaming of a land far and away...
Imagine the one place you wish you could live-- the home of your dreams. Describe its colors, smells, surroundings... go wild. Somewhere modern and rural, at the same time. I enjoy being near the ocean, and near a large city... I wouldn't mind a suburb. A small, rural suburb. I like cities for convenience, the fact that there's a lot to do, and the fact that I can tell people where I live and I don't get blank looks accompanied by "Where's that?"'s. So ideally, a small town, near the ocean and a large-ish city, that's rural and somewhat countrified. If that makes sense at all.
Does your dream world reside in a medieval setting, rely on technology, or is it a mixture of both? Both, definitely. I love games and stories where fantasy and science fiction are melded well.
Kings and queens? Presidents? Perhaps it's a place with no government? Describe the leadership of your land. A benevolent dictatorship. Whether this is a monarchy or something else entirely doesn't matter to me. There's one person in charge and they make the rules.
Just how peaceful is your land? Very. As I said, we have a benevolent dictatorship. The people know that the leader is doing his or her best to keep the people safe and happy and well provided for, and that makes them content.
But surely monsters roam in the wilderness! Describe the kinds that live there. Giant blobs of jelly Zombies! Fantastical, mythical creatures that no one's ever come across before. Passing adventurers come into the city with WTF looks on their faces because of the monsters. I'd think they're mostly chimera-type creatures - goats crossed with lizards crossed with fish, or something.
[ A d v e n t u r e ]
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon...
Whether your land is in a golden era of peace or is in turmoil, it seems a great threat to your world has reared its ugly head. What is it and what are its plans? I can think of two possible threats: one, our benevolent dictator isn't quite as benevolent as we were led to believe and is now going off on some sort of murderous rampage, or two, another leader/other villainous type has set eyes upon our land and has decided to invade. Whether they want the territory, or the delights of our land infuriate their corrupted heart, or they're just set on destroying anything and everything, I don't know. Any of the above is a possibility.
Describe the kinds of weapons and methods being used to defend oneself and attack this threat. A mix of technology and medieval warfare. And a lot of strategy. You can have the best and coolest weapons and if you have no strategy, it doesn't matter in the slightest.
What kind of secrets does your world hide away as you traverse it in search for a solution? (This can be caves unlocking pieces of the past, riches, summons, anything-- be creative!) All sorts of things. The land is a surprise. The majority of it, I think, is knowledge - the aforementioned pieces of the past, technological advancements, secrets of power... et cetera.
What is your level-up system like? I think our leveling-up system would be most like Chrono Cross's. For those that haven't played it, the characters get a lot of stat gains immediately after boss battles, then for a few battles afterward they get little bitty stat gains. It seems the most realistic idea to me, and I like the symbolism of being greatly rewarded for overcoming hardship.
[ D e t a i l ]
Hear the whispers in the dark...
Describe the music you envision playing in the background as you fight monsters, wander the lands, explore villages... Is it dark, cheerful, inspiring? It's melodic, instrumental, sometimes orchestral. The majority of the time it's calm and light-hearted.
How important is the background music to your world? It sets the tone. So, quite important. :-)
Uh-oh! You just ran into the mandatory, most powerful (though optional) boss in the game. What's it like and what makes it so deadly? It's an experimental, classified biomechanical creature that's escaped from the city's laboratory. There are parts of it that are biological (dragon-type, probably), and parts that are mechanical. It's very powerful and very fast. And very cool-looking :-)
What's the prize for kicking this beast in the behind, anyway? UNLIMITED POWER Well, it's tough enough where you can only beat it late in the game, so... an ultimate weapon or two, perhaps? An alternate ending? Something really cool, at any rate.
[ E x t r a ]
Cue the rolling credits!
So what's the happy ending like? Peace has returned to the land, the party members all have their part in the ending... there's lovely music, everyone's friends again... It's an ending that makes you feel good, like you've played a great game and had a great time. :D
As we all know, there are many options for this theme. What world do you think you are most suited for, and why? Oh heavens, I don't know. I can think of reasons why I'm suited for every game, and why I'm not suited for every game. I don't have the slightest idea.
Anything else you'd like to mention about this world of your's? It's round :P Okay seriously... not really?
I've voted on...
✖ Thankies :D