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Comments 19

leviosa8 December 31 2014, 01:28:48 UTC

I don't care much for Naruto, but I'm glad to read you took time to rest and to do some fangirling activities at leisure. : )

Kizuna was Ok but I recommend Kusatta kyoushi no houteishiki or Kiss me teacher, in English. I loved that one and its sequel in two volumes. Kodaka is awesome.


chochajin January 1 2015, 11:57:20 UTC

I think I already read them ages ago, but I love everything Kodaka. (*_______*)b
I also love all of her doujinshi! (*_*)v


kurikuribebi December 31 2014, 01:34:25 UTC
I'm not in to Naruto, so I skipped that last half of the entry, but MARS...ugh. Loved that growing up. The drama was so good too!


chochajin January 1 2015, 11:57:47 UTC
Oh, there's a drama? A Japanese one? :)


kurikuribebi January 1 2015, 13:10:05 UTC


chochajin January 1 2015, 14:13:20 UTC


andou_ December 31 2014, 07:43:23 UTC
Zu Naruto kann ich wenig sagen. Habe allerdings am Rande mitbekommen, wie gespalten das Fandom doch war. Das Ende schien eben für Diskussionen zu sorgen.

Ich blieb direkt am ersten Teil deines Posts hängen XD Sekakoi und Junjô <333 hihi aber auch Kizua und Love Stage! Alles Dinge, die ich sehr gerne habe 8DDD Vor allem Love Stage gewinnt immer mehr Fans.


chochajin January 1 2015, 12:00:11 UTC
Ich finde es nur sehr interessant, weil ich es ja sehr gut mit vielen anderen Serien vergleichen kann. Bin ja immerhin schon seit fast 2 Jahrzehnten mit dabei. XD
Und ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern, dass mich jemals ein Shonen-Ending so aufgerüttelt und unzufrieden gestimmt hat. Aber die Geschichte bei Naruto wurde auch so geschrieben, dass ein zufriedenstellendes Ende kaum möglich war. ^^;

Ich hab Sekai-ichi ungefähr 3 Mal angeschaut XD .... weiß gar nicht, wann ich das das 1. Mal gesehen habe, aber das muss Jahre her sein. Love Stage fand ich anfangs nicht so gut aber mittlerweile (*____*)bbb


asahifirsa January 1 2015, 20:56:58 UTC
Mittlerweile? Gibt es da inzwischen eine zweite Staffel oder so? Waren doch nur 12 oder 13 Folgen?


chochajin January 1 2015, 20:58:55 UTC
Der Manga geht um einiges weiter als die Anime-Serie und ist noch lange nicht vorbei! ;)


venia December 31 2014, 10:59:48 UTC
Whoah, I never expected to read YOUR entry on Naruto :D It's one of my favourite series!
(Actually, the reason I created an account here was to review Naruto fics!) I was disappointed when the story started to go down in quality *sigh* I grew fond of the characters, and followed the manga to the end. To this day, I still miss the weekly updates that made me fangirl...

I agree on a few things:

1) I didn't care that much about Neji anyway so I wasn't sad when he died.

2) I HATE HATE HATE Naruto's new haircut! It's not him, it just makes him look more adult-like.

3) Like most people, I didn't like the ending either, but I won't complain about it here. I just wish Kishi was more skilled in romance. Is it too much to add ONE romance scene in a shonen series? It's not like it would it change its genre...!

4) I wonder what happened to Karin..?

*____* One day I'm going to re-read the whole series and write tons of AU fics with the characters.


chochajin January 1 2015, 12:05:45 UTC
Why not? XD I used to write about Naruto (though that was many, many years ago). XD

Actually I really enjoyed the final battles of the war before that stupid Kaguya popped up. I just re-watched those episodes from when the 4 Hokage join. I just can't get enough of it. So many awesome people all together and I can't stop fangirling: Naruto, Sasuka, Sakura, Kakashi, Juubito, Madara, 4 Hokage .... waaay too awesome! ^____^;;; .....

I don't think a bit of romance would be a problem for a shonen-manga, but some male mangaka just can't do it well. And if it's poorly done, I rather have it without romance. ^^;

Karin is so crazy, but as she's an Uzumaki I just can't help but liking her. :3333


asahifirsa January 1 2015, 20:58:52 UTC
Not sure if you were ever into Fullmetal Alchemist. But that's one Shonen anime that I really loved to bits. I only watched the old version though as they switched Roy Mustangs voice and I just couldn't listen to it.


chochajin January 1 2015, 21:02:53 UTC
I don't know for how long you've been following me on LJ, but many, many years ago, long before I moved to Japan, my whole LJ was all FMA XD ... even the layout!
It used to be one of my favorite series of all time. But ... the way Naruto turned out later on it can compete with FMA in my eyes.
I'm currently re-watching the early Naruto episodes and I admit they're a bit boring and childish, but I do get teary eyes as it shows how much the whole series has grown and changed in the past 15 years! ^^;;


asahifirsa January 1 2015, 20:55:12 UTC
I haven't read Naruto and have no intentions to read it. Only saw a few eps and know the basic characters.

But from what you wrote here, that sounds a lot like Star Wars. Good guy turning bad because of reasons, loosing an arm. Good guy also loosing an arm to mirror what happened? Star Wars :)


chochajin January 3 2015, 11:50:14 UTC
I'm rewatching right now .... and I'm amazed how different things are now that I have the whole picture.
Like I already said I agree that Naruto wasn't special or super good in the beginning.
But it really, really grows into a good series later on. But I understand that not everybody wants to watch 600+ episodes or read over 70 volumes of manga. ^^;
I guess it's one of the longest series ever? o_O;; ....

I also think it might not be interesting for everyone. I'm just fascinated by the psychological(?) development of some of the characters. ^^;

I see where you're coming from, but I wouldn't compare it to Star Wars at all.


asahifirsa January 3 2015, 12:33:09 UTC
I saw part of a movie or special I think on TV this year. It was some kind of flashback or backstory to a character I didn't know, but it was really captivating. I watched the whole thing when I switched on.

Problem really is... there's so many great things and so little time. To tell the truth, from what I've heard One Piece would probably be the better investment :)


chochajin January 3 2015, 12:34:53 UTC
That might be true, but I never really got to like One Piece, so I gave up pretty early.
I know it's super popular nowadays, but I'm just not interested. ^^;

And yeah ... way too many things and never enough time. ^^;


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