Dec 21, 2010 11:54
So I was up til 4:30am this morning, doing family tree research....
Turns out I can trace my way back to my 13th great grandfather in Norfolk County, England. His son, my 12th great grandfather, was born in 1524, so I'm gonna take a stab and say that my 13th ggrandpapa (edmund!) was born very late 1400's to early 1500's.
How awesome is that?!
During the high and late Middle Ages the county developed arable agriculture and woollen industries. The economy was in decline by the time of the Black Death, which dramatically reduced the population in 1349, suffice to say that the current population has yet to equal the population from this time. Over one-third of the population of Norwich died during a plague epidemic in 1579.[5] By the 16th century Norwich had grown to become the second largest city in England, but in 1665 the Great Plague again killed around one third of the population.[6]
Thanks to Wikipedia for that little info, my family were amoung the lucky ones to be spared of the Black Death AND the Great Plague!