getyourwordsout signups for 2017 have opened! (I put the LJ version of the community as well because it seems like most of the discussion is still there, but I mostly use DW only these days.) I mostly use it for personal accountability month-to-month for writing, and their yearly spreadsheet is an incredible tool, but it's also a nice community for doing things and getting prompts and stuff. Highly recommended if you make writing a major priority and write a decent amount each year.
2. Today was some nice time with the niblings! Most of my time with Nibling today involved doing homework - which I grump about because he's in all-day kindergarten and needs some time to relax gosh darn it - but he was a good sport about it. Tomorrow is his last day of school until January 9th, too! He could definitely use the break.
Dosling and I watched videos and played around a bit, too. I can't believe how much he's learned lately - he's saying "I did it!" very clearly and is great at communicating in general. Little boo. ♥ for them both.
3. A quick Wednesday Reading.
What I just finished: I've been pretty busy, so I only finished Lauren Graham's memoir,
Talking as Fast as I Can. Nice and light, and she has a great voice. It also had some great advice for structuring writing sessions in it that she got from a screenwriter friend and that I'm trying out. It's worked at least once, which is as much as I can ever hope for when it comes to writing.
What I'm reading now: The
Complex PTSD book, which is really great and helpful...and upsetting, so I can only read it when I'm not about to go to bed (which is my usual prime reading time). Once the holidays are over, I should be able to read it more during the day, but in the meantime...oof.
What I'm reading next: Dunno. I need light things to read before bed, and I have a huge reading list for things to read during the day, if that tells you anything about me. We'll see what strikes my fancy.
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