
Oct 30, 2016 23:10

1. I have a cold. I've had a cold since mid-week. I spent all day in bed and don't feel better, and of course I have a busy week ahead of me (not to mention Halloween is my favorite holiday and I'm probably going to just be sick and miserable for the duration). Sorry to complain; I knew this was coming, since Sister spent last week under the weather and the kids before that, and it's not like I don't know I'm going to be sick all fall/winter because of having two young kids around. But blah.

2. On the plus side, it's been raining a lot. I love rain.

3. Another plus side is that I used my day of rest to watch some Star Trek. I'm in the middle of s4 of DS9 and s2 of Voyager, and I'm enjoying both so much. If I could marry both Kira Nerys and B'Elanna Torres, I probably would. (...maybe I have a bit of a type.)

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