Grumble mumble.

Apr 30, 2012 08:59

4 am hit, and it was a marvel: I was actually tired for once. Cue 7:30 am, and I woke up overheated and panicking and sick. It's about 9 now, and while the edge is gone, I'm still wide awake. Sigh. (I also thought 1 am would be a capital time to try an amp that Sister got me. Dear readers: me and my wacky brain chemistry.)

A couple of items of interest while I'm awake:

- This Troy/Abed fanart's been making the circuit this morning, and for good reason. It looks like it should be hanging in a gallery or something.

-SPN spoilers for the week: C-c-c-combo breaker. In that I really enjoyed the last couple weeks and this week doesn't look like it'll be the same. (It's Edlund, so who knows.) I did really enjoy all the Jus in Bello updates this weekend, though. A lot of that was due to the fact that rahnekat1 got picture tickets for our Vegas Con shenanigans, so it's official: I will probably have some kind of nice photographic evidence of being in the same room as Jared Padalecki and his hair. (I'm tempted to ask what Hogwarts house he thinks Sam would be sorted into. :D)

-While I couldn't focus a few hours ago, I started on an epic quest: my first read of Homestuck. Which I'm digging thanks to a combination of its quirky humor and a bit of childhood nostalgia (oh, old-school computer gaming). I'm not too far yet, but I read enough before I fell asleep that I expected to be putting in commands when I went to brush my teeth.

-I haven't been too great at reccing lately, but that's mostly because most of what I've had the brain for is rereading old fanfic. (I'm doing more reading in a job-like capacity, which is great and challenging and fun, but it also makes recreational reading a bit trickier.) Basically, the new stuff's been
inlovewithnight's kink_bingo mini-square series,
littlemousling's One Direction fic (also, belatedly, this Kris/Adam fic that I really enjoyed), and Teen Wolf fic (little over a month until new episodes!). All quite enjoyable!

9:20 am, and no sign of sleepiness. GET IT TOGETHER, BODY. >:(

Edit: Oh, and one more thing I meant to mention since who knows when I'll finish my belated TV review post: it's no accident that two of my current favorite shows (Legend of Korra and Mad Men) have drawn some very ugly attentions for the past few days. (And for months before the showed actually aired, in Korra's case, and ever since the show started airing, like Mad Men.) The reason I like the shows - female character focus - is the reason people feel free to speak up and trash said characters in really gross, misogynistic ways. This is a preaching-to-the choir case in its truest form, but geez, I'd really like it to stop.

Also posted on Dreamwidth (
comment[s]). Feel free to comment on either entry.

fanworks: fanart: recs, fandom: community, fandom: spn, real life: geekiness: conventions, fandom: *ones i'm not in, fandom: teen wolf, real life: mental health, fandom: comics, fanfic: recs

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