Saturday sounds!

Apr 28, 2012 20:18

A music note not related to Saturday Sounds: I updated the song title playlist on Spotify since I posted a new fic with a song title.

Related to Saturday Sounds: as usual, I updated that playlist, too. This week's offerings:

I'm Shakin', Jack White. It's a cover of a Little Willie Jon song from 1960 (thank you, Rolling Stone), and it's just catchy as hell, much like the rest of the album. Jack White was just on Colbert, and while his interview was mottsy and awkward, the performance of Freedom at 21 was stellar. (I want to see more of his female backing band, though.)

Boogie Shoes, Glee cast. While I haven't seen the full episode around this performance (and I could therefore be wrong about this), I think this is a performance by a transgender character of color. Really. And it's a really fun version of the song, so win/win!

What Makes You Beautiful, One Direction. Warning: this song is terribly catchy, to the point where I ended up singing the chorus to myself for hours after I'd only heard the song once. If you're wondering who those affectionate guys who've appeared on my Tumblr are, there you go.

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