Game Guide
Intro Questions Travelling Through Time Periods IC Gameplay Communication The Perimeter NPC Information
Transportation How To Start Playing Intro Questions
1.) What's the game all about?
The game revolves around a castle and its immediate surrounding area. Hidden inside the castle are framed portraits, each one representing the castle's existence during a different time period. Below each picture is a small red button. Should your character dare to press it she will be temporally transported to the time period represented in the portrait, but her spatial reality will always remain. In other words, your character never leaves the castle grounds -- time simply shifts around her.
2.) How is this game different from other games?
Other than offering a unique concept, we're striving to be a more "audience participation" game. Though this is entirely optional, we want your help heading plots and (eventually) controlling NPCs. We want everyone to work together to create exciting storylines where no one is left out.
3.) What if my character is canonically dead?
If you wish to take a character that is dead in her canon, you may have her resurrected in a manner of your choosing.
4.) What point in canon can my character come from?
You can pick up from any point in canon, including pre- and post-canon. For example, if you want to play Dexter as a teenager, that's fine. Though keep in mind, if someone is playing Pam from season 1 of The Office and you come along playing Jim from the end of Season 2, Pam will have no knowledge that your version of Jim is currently in a relationship with her. It could get confusing, or it could lead to some creative relationship interpretation.
5) How creative can I get with pre-canon characters?
You can creatively interpret your character's backstory, within the bounds of known canon. If your interpretation involves other characters (for example, if you want to say that Emma Peel and John Steed were dating throughout their partnership), you must clear it with any characters already in-game before proceeding. If a player for an affected character comes in at a later date, they must accept the bounds of your interpretation or work with you to adapt it. As this sort of thing can potentially cause problems between players, including other canon characters in your backstory interpretations is not recommended.
6.) Are original characters allowed?
Yes! But only with a real life played by. Meaning an actual photograph of an actor, actress, model, or model stock photograph.
7.) Are real life people allowed?
Yes! Real life characters are allowed. Meaning you can actually play Bruce Willis, and not John McClane.
However, if you're currently playing Bruce Willis, and someone joins the game as John McClane, please clear it with the player first before allowing Bruce to claim McClane is just one of his roles.
Creative adaptations and tweaking of an actor's performance history may be necessary.
8.) Are historical characters allowed?
Yes! You may play historical characters, too, but they must also have a real life played by. So if you plan on playing someone who was alive before photography was invented, you'll have to be creative with coming up with someone to represent them.
9.) Are animated characters allowed?
Yes! But only with a real life played by. You may play Jesse from Team Rocket, but you must find a model to represent her. Her background and personality will remain the same.
10.) Can my character die in game?
Yes, she can. If your character is fatally injured, or otherwise dies in game, she will remain such for seventy-two hours real time starting from her exact time of death. You will be unable to play or use her, her body will remain where she died, and her body and belongings will be exempt from all godmoding rules and can be stolen. After the seventy-two hours, your character will be resurrected at a random location of your choosing within the boundaries of the time period in which she died. She will be disoriented and unable to immediately recall what had happened. Eventually her memory will slowly return and allow recollection of the events of her death. The amount of time your character has selective amnesia is entirely up to you.
11.) What happens to a character if a player drops?
If you would like to give your character a dramatic death before dropping, please feel free to do so. This character will not be resurrected unless another player decides to pick her up in the future. This allows some ambiguity as to whether or not death is permanent, and will keep characters from acting too reckless if they're just going to be "brought back anyway." If a player is cut for inactivity and is not around to choose, the character is up for use to be killed by any player who wishes to do so. If you wish your character to not be killed, she will simply vanish.
12.) What happens if a character is picked up by another player?
This is up to the discretion of the player picking up the character. You can choose to start the character over from scratch, or pick up from where she left off.
IC Gameplay
1.) How can my character get supplies once trapped inside the castle grounds?
All supplies are provided for your character at the modern castle time period and there's no need to worry about them running out (at least not yet). There are huge food storage lockers (think the shining) that never go empty. Someone seems to care about your character's well-being quite a bit...
2.) What about other supplies? Can my character take something from the castle?
You are welcome to say there are various objects within the castle for your character's use. For example, if your character needs a bar of soap, or would like to "borrow" a certain book from the library, that is something left up to player desecration. Please, make it reasonable though. Although there is most likely going to be a matchbook somewhere, your character is probably not going to find an iguana wearing a tuxedo walking about. Expendable products such as soap, and toothpaste, follow the same rules as food, and you don't have to worry about supply running out.
3.) Where can my character get new clothes?
There are many wardrobes throughout the modern time period castle as well as entire dressing rooms. Your character should have no problem finding clothing that very closely matches her personal tastes.
4.) Can my character use her powers?
Your character is welcome to use any power that doesn't allow her to leave the castle grounds. The perimeter is impenetrable, no matter what. If for your own personal reasons, you wish to play your character stunted in her powers, feel free to do so.
1.) How can the characters communicate?
Face to face, of course, and also by using a device that all characters who enter the game are automatically equipped with. This device defies the borders of time and can be used to communicate with all players regardless of their time period. NPCs may use the device, although they may not realize their transmission is extending far beyond what they can possibly imagine.
2.) How does the device work?
The device works like a cell phone, but with only the options of voicemail and text messaging. There are some differences, however. Messages going out are set on different frequencies. So when you pick up the phone to try and reach someone specifically, it will be stored on a certain frequency only accessible via that person's personal voice mail. Your character also has the option of making a general message to the entire population. This message will be stored on a frequency transmitted universally to every character's cell phone. All voice messages can be accessed whenever a character wishes and are stored on their phones permanently.
Conversations do not take place in real time, and messages must be accessed to be replied to. You don't talk with your answering machine or voice mail, do you?
3.) Are messages to specific characters private? If my character is proficient at hacking can she intercept or read messages?
If designated private, then messages will only go to the voicemail or voicemails of the specified character(s). No one else can access it. If your character can hack devices this must be worked out with the player whose messages you want to access. But keep in mind, your character has never seen a device like this before, and although it looks like a cell phone, the technology is more complicated.
4.) How can my character access a voice or text message?
All messages are stored indefinitely by character name and date transmitted for ease of access. When a voice or text message is posted there's no question as to who sent it. For example, a transmission sent universally by Fox Mulder at October 13th, 2009 at 10:13pm would appear on everyone's stored message bank as Fox Mulder [13/10/09 10:13]. Time is relative to modern day and is regardless of time period.
5.) How do I know what frequency to dial?
The universal transmission frequency is 29.10. Dialing this will transmit your message onto everyone's phone. Think of it as dialing the entire world.
6.) How does my character find this correct frequency?
Your character can either be told by someone who knows, or figure it out for themselves. There are hints hidden around the castle and grounds as to the correct frequency.
Click here to read the hints to more easily lead your character stumbling in the right direction.
7.) What about dialing a character privately? How do I find out their frequency?
When a character enters the game a phone is automatically bound to them with a specific frequency. This frequency is known by the player in possession of the phone. It is listed under stored number as "YOU" and then the frequency (any combination of numbers you choose). If you'd like to message another character privately, you will first need to know their frequency.
This may sound like a lot of work, but it can also be a lot of fun -- especially if the other character isn't too keen on yours getting it.
8.) My character doesn't want to give away her frequency to anyone!
That's fine, but no one will ever be able to message her directly.
9.) What does the cell phone look like?
Everyone's cell phone is physically identical and you can
click here to view one. There are some features stored in them, however, that are unique to your character aside from their personal frequency. These elements will be revealed later.
10.) My character's cell phone was damaged, can she fix it or get another?
Yes! If your character is very good with electronics, or she knows a character who is, the device can be fixed. Otherwise, you may have to find an NPC who's handy with unique electronics to fix yours or build you another...
11.) Do any other electronics work aside from the cell phone?
Outside cell phones don't work. If your character tries to use her cell phone, she'll hear a high pitched frequency and nothing else. Other electronics work, but any aspect of them that allows your character to contact the outside world does not properly function.
Travel Between Time Periods
1.) What can my character take through time?
Your character will take their clothing and any items on their person. This could include a bag or purse and the contents inside. For example, if they drop their communication device just as the button is pushed, they will have to travel back to collect it.
2.) How do the buttons work?
The buttons only transport your character through time, not space. She will be exactly where she was the moment before the button was pressed. Through what she sees in the surrounding area will be vastly different...
3.) How many characters can travel per button push?
There is an unlimited number to the people who can travel per button push, however, they all have to be connected through touch. Basically, as long as everyone is holding hands, the entire group can come!
4.) Can my characters travel freely through time periods?
Yes! A button for each time period will be located in each individual period. For example, your character can move from prehistory to the distant future, without having to return to modern day first. It's completely fluid. However, there may be restrictions and lockdowns during certain game-wide plots.
5.) What are the different time periods?
Your character will start in our relative
modern day (2009). The three additional time periods are: the
dawn of time,
near future, and the
golden age.
6.) Will more time periods be added?
Yes! Once we get started managing the ones we've got, new ones will be added. The possibilities are limitless, and we love player suggestions.
7.) Can my character communicate with another player if they're in a different time period?
The only way a character can communicate with another in a time period different from their own is through the cell phone device. When using this device, messages can be read and heard by any character regardless of her current time period. Characters can always plan to meet with each other in any of the time periods.
8.) How long does it take to travel to a time period?
It's instantaneous. As soon as your character presses the red button, she's there.
9.) Where are the buttons located in the modern day castle?
The buttons are found in a room somewhere inside the castle. The room is large and on the wall are several framed paintings and numerous framed blank canvases. Underneath each painting or canvas is a small red button. Each of the paintings represent a different time period - the buttons under the canvases bring you to another time. To view the room, and the paintings, see the
modern day guide.
10.) I still don't get it!
If you have any questions, please feel free to
email a mod -- someone would love to help you get started.
The Perimeters
1.) Can my character leave the castle?
Your character can leave the castle, but not the castle grounds. The grounds are around 600 acres, so there's plenty of room for everyone. If you're having trouble imagining just how big of an area 600 acres is, it's around six times the size of Disneyland.
2.) Why can't my character leave?
As your character nears the borders to the grounds she begins to feel ill. Generally she should feel light headed and otherwise nauseated, though the specifics of how your character gets sick is left up to you. As she approaches within five feet of the perimeter, she is rendered unconscious.
3.) What happens if my character falls unconscious?
Your character can only be awoken by the touch of another character. She is to remain unconscious until such event occurs.
4.) But what if no one ever finds her!
Don't worry, if your character is rendered unconscious from getting too close to the perimeter, her cell phone device will activate a distress signal transmitting an automatic message to allow everyone on the network to know what happened. This will allow your character to get help more quickly. It could also be very bad if your character is wanted, or otherwise disfavored.
Click here to get your message should your character fall unconscious near the perimeter.
NPC info
1.) Can I place NPCs in my thread?
Yes! The only NPCs that need mod approval are reoccurring or central to a game-wide plot.
For example, you, as a player, are free to negotiate the refugees in the near future, or the resort guests in the golden age into your threads for more depth.
2.) Are there any rules for playing NPCs in my thread?
Your NPCs must adhere to all game rules, and must have no knowledge of the mysterious elements lurking around the castle grounds. They are entirely ignorant and do not understand the castle's temporal aspects. So your refugees are just refugees and nothing more.
3.) Can an NPC travel through time?
No. Even if you are connected through touch with an NPC, they cannot leave their own time period.
Although NPCs are able to move freely past the castle boundary.
1.) Do I have to claim a vechicle?
Vehicles do not need to be claimed per say. Anyone can take a vehicle at any time, but please leave a notice to this post stating you have the vehicle and what log you're in.
This post should be checked before you take a vehicle to make sure it's not currently in use. Likewise, if your character plans to use a vehicle long-term, just make a post stating such. We're going to keep track of this very loosely, so don't worry about it too much. This is basically in place to make sure that two characters aren't using the same car at the same time and isn't a big deal.
Example: The Lotus Elise was blown up in this log.
Example: Michael Scott took the firetruck to put out the vineyard fire in this log.
2.) Do I have to claim a horse?
Only if you want to. If your intentions are to use the same horse frequently it would probably be a good idea to put a claim in on her. But if you intend to use a horse for a day of riding then probably not. Use your own judgement on this.
3.) What if I wreck a car?
If your character significantly damages a car, modifies it, or is otherwise involved in an epic car event, that event may be listed here alongside the car. Events can be reported to the transportation post as well.
4.) What if a horse dies under my care?
If you kill a horse, just make a note saying so in the transportation post. Horses do not come back in 72 hours.
5.) Is this all the vehicles and horses there are?
Yes, this is a complete list of all the vehicles and horses available. At a future date, more vehicles and horses may be shipped in depending upon demand, and how quickly the characters go through them.
6.) Where are the vehicles?
All vehicles are originally stored in a fancy garage on the outskirts of the modern time period. They are to be used by any character, at any time, for any amount of time. They do not have to be returned to the garage and can be parked outside the castle, outside of an out-building, etc.
7.) Where are the horses?
The horses are located at the castle stables.
8.) What care does my horse need?
These are regular non-fanged horses and need the care of a regular horse.
9.) Can I take a vehicle or horse with me to another time period?
So long as it can fit through the Time Room doors.
10.) What about fuel?
There is an endless supply of fuel available at a pump outside of the car garage. The fuel is pumped in through a fuel line beginning outside the castle perimeter.
11.) Are there roads?
Certainly and plenty of them! Check out this
aerial view of the castle grounds for an idea.
How To Enter The Game
1.) Okay, I know now my character can't leave, but why would she want to come to the castle in the first place?
Because of a mysterious ticket, of course!
Every character enters the game with a personalized ticket. This ticket is the reason your character chooses to come to the castle. Each ticket is tailor-made for your character, and it's up to you to decide what it says. A message from a long lost love? Promise of wealth and fame? Whatever you decide, it must make your character a willing adventurer to the castle (at least at first).
2.) How did she get the ticket?
Feel free to use your imagination. Maybe she awoke with the ticket sitting beside her pillow, or perhaps she found it inside an old piece of pottery on an archeological dig. Whatever the reason, make sure your character can't resist the temptation.
3.) In what ways can my character arrive at the castle?
Your character will be escorted to the castle grounds by helicopter and landed safely at a random location [
click to view the helicopter]. The helicopter takes off immediately after your character departs, and then there's no turning back. There is no other way to approach the castle. If for whatever reason your character, pet, or child, does not fit inside the cabin of a helicopter, contact a mod and special arrangements can be made.
4.) What do the tickets look like?
The tickets are about the size of a check. Their appearance can vary based on player discretion appropriate to your character's canon. Every ticket, however has a tempting message directed at your character, and instructions to meet with the helicopter at a location relevant to your character's canon world.
5.) What's the helicopter ride like?
The helicopter ride itself is routinely uneventful and you won't get any information from the pilot.
6.) What possessions can my character bring with her to the castle?
Your character is free to bring whatever she wants with her to the castle, but it must be able to fit within the helicopter's cabin. Since each character's reasons behind taking the trip will be different, the amount of personal items an individual brings will vary widely. Some characters might be expecting to stay at the castle for weeks and would pack accordingly -- others a day. It's up to you to decide how you want to limit or enhance your character through the bringing of personal possessions.
7.) Can my character bring her pet?
You're welcome to have your character bring along her pet(s), as long as your character's motivations for doing so are considered with her motivations for travelling to the castle. You must make mention of all pets in your character's application, so the mods can approve them, too. Pets will be considered played by you, and must adhere to all mentioned rules.
8.) Can my character bring her child?
If the child is not a fully developed character, but merely a support in your main character's life, he or she may accompany your character. Otherwise the character is considered only individually, and must be separately applied for. Just as with bringing a pet, you must make mention of the child in your character's application, and all attached children must be mentioned in your character's application, are considered played by you, and must adhere to all mentioned rules.
9.) What different ways can I enter the game?
Feel free to start your first log however you wish. You could act our your character's helicopter ride and landing, or maybe just already have them there. You're also free to act our your character receiving the ticket if you so choose, just keep in mind that scenes occurring before your character's helicopter ride are considered pre-game, and no one already in-game would be able to interact with her.