Day 25 - Favorite Who Actor / Day 26 - Favorite Who Actress

Feb 10, 2011 13:34

I think that my favorite actors and actresses have been fully determined already what with Favorite Doctor, Favorite Companion, Favorite Guest Star and so on. (I mean, is there any doubt that my favorite actor on Doctor Who is David Tennant? *looks around* No? Okay, let's move on!) So, in the interest of saying something new, I'm going to pick two favorite actors that I wish we saw more of on Doctor Who.

Derek Jacobi - Yana/the Master

While I adore John Simm as the Master and would not have wanted to miss out on his performance, I do wish we had seen more of Jacobi in the role. He was lovely as the brilliant, but self-sacrificing Yana but brilliant (and chilling) as soon as he began to become the Master again. I think I literally stopped breathing for a bit the first time I watched the episode and he opened the watch. Even now I get all caught up in the moment and excited again.

Carey Mulligan - Sally Sparrow

She did get a whole episode centered on her but, even so, I wanted to see more of her. I'm not sure where she would have fit into the story (and I know she is having a brilliant career elsewhere) but an episode of her interacting with the Doctor would have been excellent. After all without her who knows how the Doctor and Martha would have gotten back! That deserves a thank you trip I think.

picspam: doctor who, meme, tv, picspam, meme: dw, tv: doctor who

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