Tenth Doctor Sonic!Porn Picspam

Feb 05, 2011 15:38

I seem to have fallen off the Who meme again but I'm getting back on with a picspam!

First, Day 23 - Favorite Location - I don't really have one. Doctor Who doesn't tend to be a show where the location matters all that much. Which is good if you want to save money by filming in the same quarries and building sites over and over again. *g* I guess I'd pick Paris in City of Death. I love that serial and being set in Paris is very important to the storyline.

Okay now onto Day 24 - Favorite Accessory of the Doctor’s!

The meme asks for my favorite accessory of the Doctor's and, while there are several good choices, I'm going with his sonic. To back up my choice, I've made a fairly extensive picspam of Ten and his sonic.

Ten loved his sonic and I love Ten.

Sometimes the sonic is used for mild innuendo and flirting.

And sometimes for blatant innuendo. :D

Other times just for waving about to show he has one and is not afraid to use it.

And a sometimes we were lucky enough for it to combine with his oral fixation...

But mostly it was used for scanning things

Breaking things

Fixing things

Opening things

Or simply changing the channel...Hee.

All the many and wonderful uses of the sonic!

But you want to know my favorite use of it? Yes? Okay! For the production of hand!porn. :D
Yes, I'm shallow but I'm okay with that. And, anyway, I can't resist those lovely, long fingers.


david tennant, picspam: doctor who, meme, tv, picspam: tennant, meme: dw, tv: doctor who, picspam

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