Day 12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times

May 27, 2010 17:36

(full list) This one is SO easy! *g* While there are certainly other shows where I've seen episodes several times over the years, there is only one where I have done it on purpose instead of being the room while it aired again. I just don't tend to rewatch episodes. Even the last few years of Doctor Who, I can't be certain if I've seen any of the episodes more than a couple of times. (Once to watch, once to picspam, and often once to watch with Jay.) A short perusal of my journal would probably give the answer:


Every episode of Blackpool. Granted there are only six, but I have watched them all in their entirety at least 6-7 times; more times if we include the viewings of just the Carlisle scenes. :D What can I say? I love this show. It cemented my fangirling of David Tennant and encouraged me to find other people who also loved the show (and Tennant). Basically, my presence on-line traces right back to the evening that I found Blackpool on youtube. If anyone is interested in picspams, I have many under the 'picspam: blackpool' tag.

meme, tv: blackpool, tv, meme: tv

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