Doctor Who - Victory of the Daleks Recap/Picspam

Apr 27, 2010 10:01

I have a picspam/recap of Victory of the Daleks all done! Yeah, I know that everyone is already done talking about the next episode, never mind this one. What can I say; I'm slow. I pledge that I will do a picspam of ep. 4 before episode 5 airs! (Note that I didn't say where episode 5 would be airing. *g*) Anyway, if you're interested in a quick, sometimes snarky, recap/picspam of the episode, I have it here.

Amy: Yay! I found the wardrobe! No more traveling space and time in my nighty. Instead I'll visit WWII Britain in a mini skirt!

Doctor: *iz puzzled* This may be more important than Churchill trying to steal the keys again.

Doctor: NOOOOOO!!!! (That British flag symbol must be BUGGING that Dalek so much.)

And the plot thickens! Amy doesn't remember the Daleks. What the hell did go on with that crack in her wall?

Amy: Daleks? What are they?
Doctor: Huh??? They STOLE THE EARTH! How could you not remember that?

Doctor: I will prove you are the Daleks! I will hit you with this spanner and have a hissy fit until you admit it!

Amy: Bzwah? Doctor?

Churchill: BZWAH? Doctor?

Daleks: PSYCH!!! Fooled you!

Daleks: We're leaving now! But FIRST we'll shoot Bracewell! Because we're evil like that!
Brackwell: AHHHHH! I' android???

Doctor: Don't shoot! I have a biscuit and I'm not afraid to use it! Er...I mean a bomb. Yeah, a bomb.

Daleks: We don't care about your bomb biscuit! We are the new Daleks. We come in pretty colors! We will be available for sale at a store near you!
(I still seriously want to make Dalek cupcakes very soon! They look like they would be tasty. :D)

Doctor: Oh, you got me. *sigh* But I was promised tea. And for some reason, you won't shoot me until I get to my TARDIS. Because you're polite like that.

Hee! Planes in SPAAACE!

Daleks: CHOOSE! It's us or the Earth! *evil cackle*
Doctor: *shakes fist from the safety of his TARDIS* Why can't I ever kill you all? It's like there are forces beyond my control at work here!

Bracewell: Great I'm a bomb AND an android! Can this day get any worse?

Doctor: Think about the worst day of your life! It'll be fun!
Oh, no It's not working!

Amy: Think about unrequited love! Which I know all about. And, even though I know nothing about you, I'm sure that you have one. Doesn't everyone?

Doctor and Amy: Yeah, you're an android created by Daleks with a bomb inside you, but you should totally go and find that girl you've been crushing on. What could possibly go wrong??

DUN DUN DUN! Subtle crack in time and space is subtle.

doctor who: s5, picspam: doctor who, doctor who: review, tv, picspam, tv: doctor who

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