I am a happy fangirl! *bounce*

Apr 07, 2010 18:29

First: I have seen Doctor Who!!!! YAY! I have all kinds of thoughts running about in my head right now and, with any luck, I can put together some sort of reaction post later this evening when no small people are tugging on me. Capsule Review - I loved it!

Second: I see that everyone enjoyed yesterday's picture post. *g* However, since each reply was a variation of 'fangirl is now nonverbal,' I'm not going to respond to each comment as I usually would. I do completely understand everyone's nonverbalness though. :D

Third: I came across some more pictures of John Simm in Crime and Punishment. I literally had to stop and stare at them for a while. I may need to see this! Between these pictures and the Tennant ones from yesterday I'm not surprised that we are having a fangirl melting heat wave here. (It's over 90F here today!!!! That's just incredible for New England in April!)

You may remember this one from the open collar picspam I did recently.

But I found more! I'm going to go lie down now...

actor: john simm, david tennant, picspam: simm, picspam, tv: doctor who

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