A Couple of Tennant Items

Apr 06, 2010 16:05

Hey, is lj acting up for anyone else? It's up. It's down. It doesn't know what the hell it's doing. *grump*

To reduce the grumpiness, I bring a few Tennant goodies. *g* First, I have a How to Train Your Dragon featurette narrated by David Tennant. He may only have a couple of lines in the movie itself, but at least he gets some narration work too. And we all know how much he likes to do voice overs...

Second, I have a couple of promo pictures from Look Back in Anger that I don't remember seeing before. They are nice and BIG, so they are under a cut. (Also mildly NSFW)

david tennant, dt: stage, dt: movies, dt: audios, picspam: tennant, picspam

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