RTD Interview in the Times

Dec 21, 2008 15:57

The Times had an interview with Davies yesterday. Basically it's him talking about some of his favorite (and not so favorite tv shows). However there were a few bits about Doctor Who and I copied over some of that. There some minor to moderate spoilers about the specials (including the Christmas special).

Oh look, Doctor Who - how marvellous. And it is marvellous - hooray! Even though I’m working on the next Christmas special now, so it’s all old news to me...Imagine how lovely it is having David Morrissey and David Tennant together.

...I do love a bit of Christmas sadness, HA! HA! HA! And the last ten minutes are outrageous. The Cyber King comes!!! Make sure you put three exclamations marks after that, when you write it. To convey how excited I was when I said it.

You know, if you read in the papers that so-and-so has been chosen as the new Doctor, it’s just not true. They really haven’t decided yet! They are seeing people as we speak.It’s very exciting. There won’t be an announcement until February, I guess.

And what everyone’s missing is that there will be a new companion, too! No one ever talks about that. It’s made casting next year’s four specials difficult because we’re going, ‘Well, that’s an interesting actress, but they might want her for series five.’ We don’t want to ruin anyone’s chances of being the new companion by casting her for a one-off. We’ve got a young female companion at Easter, and then a much older woman next Christmas - someone in her fifties or sixties. I love that.

Is David Morrissey the new Doctor? Oh, what a question! [mysteriously] Well, he isn’t the new Doctor in series five - David Tennant doesn’t regenerate into him . . .

I'm really going to miss RTD! He is far from perfect but he's SO enthusiastic and bouncy about the show with all his hoorays and marvellouses and the three exclamation marks. Hee. He had to make sure that all three were included in his quote about the Cyber King. I can just hear him saying all this in his big voice and just about jumping in his seat.

As far a Morrissey for Eleven, while I don't think that he is myself, RTD saying that he isn't is absolutely meaningless. We all know he routinely lies about the show and I can't see him stopping just because he's handing over the reins. However, since my bias is that Morrissey is not Eleven, I find the mention of February interesting. I may not have any particular opinion on the casting (which is good as far as being disappointed goes *g*), but I will be interested in finding out who it is just so I can start wrapping my head around the idea of him as the Doctor.

Also, the info about casting the companions for the specials is interesting. It looks as though each special with have its own guest star. Not that it's a surprise, but it is a little sad seeing Ten bounce from companion to companion for his last appearances. It's good that they are mixing up the ages a bit though. I just hope that they don't all die.

I noticed that he didn't mention all the specials, so there's room for Donna and the Master to still appear. (I don't know if they are, but I've heard the rumor.) If I pray, do think that would help? Please let us have more Donna and Doctor/Master interaction!

doctor who: s4.5, tv: doctor who

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