
Dec 18, 2008 02:03

It looks as though we are going to be able to use the snow blower this year! Chicklet is so excited! She very much wants to eat some snow and make snow people and go sledding.

6-12 inches are expected tomorrow afternoon and evening. We may even get blizzard conditions late in the day and then more light snow all weekend long. *brrrr* Just in time for the Christmas shopping rush. Heh. By tomorrow morning I'll be reminded of the names that all our local stations have given their STORM CENTERS. Everyone has to have a different name and graphics or we'd have no idea which channel we were on what with all of them breathlessly awaiting the first flakes and warning all viewers to stay inside and THEY MEAN IT. We live in New England. We get snow. No need to be so dramatic about it. Though I do tend to get sucked in and watch the coverage...lets just say a lot. I know I'm part of the problem, but I can't seem to stop. It's addictive and they know it.

Now I am off to watch the BSG webisodes! I need to get caught up. I'm very happy to have new BSG in just a few weeks!

misc: weather

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