Hottest Characters

Sep 13, 2008 13:15

thunderemerald wanted to know people's top five hottest fictional characters. I replied there, but then I thought I'd post my list here and expand it to ten. Just because five is not enough! Since I'm het, all the characters are male, but I decided I'd throw in my top five hottest female characters as well in their own list. Looking over my list, I like pain and angst. Bring on the emo! Also, being obsessive, evil or insane is not only not a deal breaker but instead strangely appealing.

Top Ten Hottest Male Characters

1. Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)

Totally not a surprise, yes? I love him happy; I love him broken; I love him all Oncoming Storm. There's so much I love about Ten, I'll need a whole post to say it all...which I'm working on!

2. Peter Carlisle (Blackpool)

Yes, David Tennant gets the top spots... He's a scruffy, lying, romantic, smug, sarcastic, desperate bastard. He's also dead sexy with a wicked oral fixation. What's not to love?

3. Spike (BTVS)

Evil and romantic with cheekbones that could cut glass. He's all badass attitude and sarcasm until confronted with the woman he loves in pain, and then he melts.

4. The Master - Simm version (Doctor Who)

Insane, evil, charming, ruthless and all about the Doctor. The phone sex scene with Ten just about killed me.

5. Leoben Conoy (BSG)

Another evil, obsessed character. I may have a thing for that. *g* The paintsex sex scene will always be seared in my memory.

6. John Thornton (North and South)

There's nothing like a good smolder. Guh.

7. Mr. Knightley - Northam version (Emma)

Mr. Knightley in the book is a bit too buttoned down, though still sexy. Northham infuses his performance with just enough longing to make me melt.

8. Aragorn (Lord of the Rings)

Scruffy, intense, full of doubt, with eyes that look right through you.

9. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Angel)

Brilliant, bitter, and full of self loathing.

10. Sam Tyler (Life on Mars)

His sexy has been growing on me steadily and I'm through trying to resist it. He's just hot.

Top Five Hottest Female Characters

1. Six (BSG)

All Sixes are hot, but my favorite is head!Six. She's so pure and badass. I love her.

2. Starbuck (BSG)

Screwed up and self destructive.

3. Lilah (AtS)

Evil and proud of it. Also, see relationship with Wesley for further hotness.

4. Dani Reese (Life)

Gorgeous recovering alcoholic with a sex addiction. Doesn't take shit from anyone.

5. Faith (BTVS)

Leather clad and sexy whether or not she's much with the sanity.

meme, tv: blackpool, fandom, tv: ats, tv: doctor who, tv: life on mars, tv: bsg, tv: life, tv: north and south

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