Commenting Poll

Sep 12, 2008 16:18

Since I'm bored and procrastinating, I thought I'd put up a poll about livejournal commenting. Basically, I have a thing where I need to answer all comments to my journal. I think that I've answered *every single one* I've ever gotten. I did say that I have a thing, yes? I know that I could at least get away without answering all comments on my picspams posts, but it bugs me until I do. It was only with difficulty that I managed not to answer all comments when I did some posting for dt_pic_daily recently, but I just told myself that it wasn't my journal so I could relax. Anyway, I'm wondering how other people feel about answering comments. So onto the poll!

I would like to add that not only are commenters guaranteed of getting a reply here, I love getting comments and I also love replying to them.

livejournal, poll

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