The 30 year old virgin

Apr 21, 2006 11:10

Well, just when you think you've seen it all...

Backstory: I met Polite Guy a couple years ago off collarme. I guess that should have been my first clue. We had one dinner date, but I brushed him off as he was just too nice. Like really, its hard to describle how just... nice and polite he is. I had trouble thinking he could really be Dominant and would be more like "oh, would you like to kneel down? Here, let me fetch you a pillow and some wine first."

A couple weeks ago, he msn'd me to say hi, and we got to talking. I've grown up a lot since then, and I figured I could give him a second go. He seems to be into some pretty sick stuff, so I figured we'd get along just fine!

Last night we went out to coffee. I was actually nervous because he'd implied that we would be going back to his place later. I got all cleaned up and headed back downtown to meet him around 8. We chatted pleasantly for awhile, and he's still really, really nice. He's smart enough for me (two MA's and finishing his doctorate... in theology.)

He's religious. So religious in fact that he wants to be a theology professor. I can deal with that, I'm a mostly-good Catholic girl too. But...

He's 30, and he's saving himself for marriage.

I didn't know people did that anymore! Like omg.

Apparently getting to 3rd base and oral is great, just no actual babymaking sex. I don't get it.

He's fine with me being all slutty and having slept with XX number of people, hes ok with gay marriage, really kinky stuff, poly etc etc... but he won't have sex!

I must be an ass for even considering not dating him cause he won't f**k me. But come on!

Has anyone else encountered this? What should I do?

(**and please - no anti-religious flames** ... Thanks!)


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