
Sep 12, 2006 22:27

I just got off the phone with my mom, who's been back from Jamaica for three weeks. She's going back.

My step-father is a fisherman. Which, in Jamaica, means he's got a speargun and swims in the sea to catch fish. Seriously. He was fishing early this week and caught a fish which (according to my mom) species that has a large poisonous spine which the fisherman break off after catching it so it doesn't poke them. Well as he was breaking it off, the he poked it clear through one of his fingers! Ew. I'm surprised the sharks didn't circle at the taste of blood.

Anyway, it took two days before he could afford a doctor (a visit is $20 Canadian, which is 1/3 of his rent for the month, to put it in perspective), and finally got the spine out. By this time, it was infected naturally, and it's gotten so bad that he's in the hospital with gangrene and they want to cut his finger off.

So, mom is going back on Friday. I'm going to take Thursday off and hopefully spend some time with her before my kink conference meeting.

As much as my mom is a bitch... I like having my mother near me. She may be moochy, but she stays in more constant contact with me than any of my local family, and I'm going to miss her. It'll likely be another year before she can afford to come back to Canada.



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