I opened this can of worms courtesy of
falcngrl a few days ago and haven't had the time to reply!
Here's how it works:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Got it?
Oh, and I totally won't reply right away. No time to sleep, omg. But I will, eventually!
1) What labels/identfiers do you choose for yourself, if any?
Bah. Although I love labels, I'm constantly changing my own. Generally I lie somewhere between lesbian and bisexual, tho I'm not a bi activist or anything 'cause I kinda don't like being bi. It is the subject of much frustration with me, actually. I don't like boys. Well, not "like like" them. I'm attracted to men that are powerful, Dominant, agressive, and I like to play with them and have them use me... I find it humiliating, because I'm really only into girls. Sigh. Good, young, lesbian, Domme (heck, switch even!) chicks are so hard to find!
2) What qualities attract you to Army Boy?
Bah, again. He helps me live out my fantasies... Tho things with him are... up in the air at the moment, so I'm not sure if things will last.
3) Would you really tounge kiss your mother-in-law? (inside joke folks. no real MILs involved.)
Teehee. Of course! Pleather-family incest all the way! Heck, I'm related to most people on my friends list by a couple degrees anyway.
4) What scares you most about the LSAT?
I have to get a high score. I'm applying to law school kinda as a mature student, and I have to have great work experience, volunteer experience, career goals and LSAT scores to make up for my lack of a university degree. I imagine I will be anxiety-ridden until March when I find out if I got in or not... *sigh* Maybe I'll wait another year tho, which I've been thinking about lately, and just take some Athabasca courses, because if I have two years of university (I already have one), I can apply to all the law schools, not just Windsor, which is the only place that might accept me. (Can I also have peoples opinions on this?)
5) Will you make me vegan cake like the other for my birthday? (Sept 13th!!)
For sure. I doubt it will be exactly on the 13th (as I start my Japanese class on the 12th), but I can have it for the weekend! What flavour?