Apr 20, 2005 23:56
April 18th 2005*
Why i love Jeff Buckley.
One night I came home a little tipsy..it was about 5 years ago. I was living alone in my beautiful apartment up by the mountains. This video came on and it was Jeff Buckley...the song was "Last Goodbye" I listened, I sat down in the floor and cried. It had hit so close to my very SOUL. I mean squallering crying.
I then got online and sent Jeff an email (right after i had seen the video at 3am) telling him how angelic and touching and perfect and etherial his voice was and how the lyrics we're so accurate for what it feels like to say goodbye.. I didn't check into who he was or anything, just wrote a letter at his website and wet to bed.
Then I got an email back from a guy telling me that yes, his friend HAD the most talent of anyone he'd ever known, we really miss him. WHAT? Oh no, I wrote to someone who is dead AGAIN?? (more on that later) Then I saw that yes, he had died...swam out into a river near Austin TX and drown months or maybe years before.
This is pretty creepy when you listen to the words in the song Grace about when his time comes and the pain he will leave behind.
The next day I told my friend, Bert about this awesome guy and how beautifully he sang.
My friend Bert bought the cd GRACE for me for Valentine's day that year...sheesh i think it was like 1997.
Well, now Bert is my husband and Jeff Buckley is an artist that profoundly changed the musical roads I had been traveling at that time. Its like once my ears had tasted this lobster perfection..i could never go back to bologna and bread!
I can't count the times I put on "Lover, Shoulda Come Over" and just cried and cried over HIS pain. He does that to you...you can hear how bad he hurts in his voice...its amazing, then you can listen again and it feels like he knows just what YOU went through..little detailed feelings that you don't know how to descibe..he did!
And the song GRACE...ooh..the arrangements in there..the strings..the guitar chords used are, well, they take you somewhere else..you close your eyes and these chords just lift you up and up and away. (nope i'm not drinking...)
He was a huge fan of Leonard Cohen who is another great poet and writer/singer. One of the best of our time. His idol was Jimmy Page.
I am not sure if Jeff Buckley is VERY well known or not..I know for a fact that he is Brad Pitt's favorite singer and they played his music at he and Jenn's wedding. UH..does that hold merit, i dunno... more clout perhaps.
It is just damn good music..deep and raw and pure. It was called the best album of the 90's by Columbia Records. They must know SOMETHING about music.
Even if he isn't so much your normal taste in music...at least hear what his voice can do..it is haunting.
*Tuesday April 19th:
Today i got the JEFF BUCKLEY~LEGEND GRACE cd which celebrates the 10 year anniversary of his death. It contains 1 dvd of the making of GRACE and 2 cd's of remastered music.
His mother, Mary (bless her heart) put all of it together. There is a video of a song that Jeff didn't want on the GRACE cd on my profile page.
This song, FORGET HER had already been made into a promotional recording and had been sent to press. Because it had been passed around after he died as a badly re-recorded bootleg his mother decided that it was too beautiful to be treated that way so she has released it now.
Well, you can see i am nuts about his music...I'm not on here talking about Led Zeppelin or the Beatles...they are geniuses in their right ( can i get an amen in here?) ..but nothing, nothing has ever come close to filling yet breaking my heart like the sound of his voice.
It is one of few things in life I feel I can call my own. I have told people about him and invited them to listen to the cd with me.
I could be the Jeff Buckley Advocate of the century. Obsessed, nah..I don't even listen to it very often as i don't ever want to be "used to" it. I always want it to give me the experience of being in the presence of something so beautiful, so good that you feel yourself tearing apart each and everytime.
I just want to share him with everyone I know.