hey all you amazing writers out there...i need your help.

Apr 11, 2008 16:43

hey guys, im in the middle of writing a novel, but all my ideas seem to turn out like stories/books that have already been published out,i dont know it just seems that way to me, like im not coming up with anything origional and im like scraed that its going to be copyrighted and stuff you know if its the same, its just really getting me down, i mean i have all these ideas for teen rommnaces and adventures that have vampires, demons and stuff in them but it just seems like its all been done e.g- twiligth storyline (This book i LOOVVVE so much, stephanie meyer is a genius!) and i dont know how to make mine diffrent to them.

i was wondering if anyone who is a writer can help me out if you can... what inspires you to write, how do you come up with your ideas, what makes a good story. i would be so greatful if i could get some insight on how you all write and come up with your stories.

also i ahve like a batch of poems that i have written over the past few years and i was wondering how i would get them copyrighted? is there a certian system you ahve to go through or do you have to send them somwehere in particulra and if anyone knows is it the same for the UK and US? also who publishes poems and how do you go about in finding the bets publishers, and where and how do you contact agents?? does anybody know?

i know i may seem abit stupid not knowing any of this but i would be so entirley greateful if anyone would help me, i read all these amazing fanfics on my friends list everyday and the wya they are written i wish i could get it like that, i dont know i guess i have writer's block. lol

thanks agian :) lol i cant type, my hands feel like jelly for some reason?

chow xx

help, novel, writing, fanfiction, publishing

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