Milepost 1275 - Lincoln, Nebraska

Mar 26, 2010 22:13

What is up with the 'Adult Stores' being located right near the interstate or right near the hotel/eateries near the interstate? Praying on horny truckers, eh?

Also, you Midwesterners are probably familiar with the 'Kum 'n' Go's' but they really make me laugh/cringe every time I see one.

We passed through Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, and Herbert Hoover's birthplaces/hometowns today.

Oh! There was snow in Iowa and Nebraska on the sides of the road... Weird. You see all these fields and then...snow.

FG, you'll love this - we were in four different states today.

Windfarms! Those windmills are so damn cool. We saw a whole bunch - and saw several trucks transporting the individual blades - my dad said they're each 36 feet long. That's frickin' long.

Anyway, still alive, still movin' along. Hopefully, more sleep will be had tonight.

movin' on up, traveling

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