Title: Princess Runaway
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
kingdom100 Characters: Sora, mentions of Kairi
Rating: K+/PG
Prompt: 013. Sacrifice
Word Count: 161
The world was safe. Celebrations were being held. The violet inferno which came close to swallowing and destroying everything had vanished. All was right everywhere else, but not in the Islands of Destiny. There was a boy in mourning for a loved one. To save the world, someone had to be sacrificed. It was someone he loved deeply.
“What is one causality compared to losing the universe?” She told him right before she jumped into the violet inferno alone. He wanted to go with her, but it was her duty. She placed a finger to his lips and kissed him, reminding him of his own duty.
He, the Keybearer, had to protect the world. Alone. History would forever celebrate his name. And for his mistress, Princess Runaway was history’s name for her, but it was wrong. Only he knew what she had done.
His Radiant Princess was dead. Kairi never abandoned her world.
Sora continued to weep. They would never know.
Title: Otaku
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy X-2/Macross Frontier
kingdom100 Characters: Riku/Lenne
Rating: K+/PG
Prompt: 003. Secret
Word Count: 134
Sagittarius 9 P.M., Don’t Be Late.
It was the name of an insert song from an anime. What was it? Macross Frontier. Dear Riku was secretly an anime fan at heart. He had gotten a note --- a love letter, actually --- earlier that Friday. Sagittarius referred to the local club, he assumed. He had nothing better to do. And so, things happened. Up until he saw her, everything was a blur.
It was cosplay and open karaoke night. She was dressed up as the Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier. It just had to be her, but Riku was taken back. It wasn’t just anybody as Sheryl. It was Lenne Lamperouge. He swallowed slowly, seeing two women of his dreams collide into one.
That was when she spotted him and gave him a wink.