Nov 26, 2006 02:01
Yeah, basically to put it poetically enough, I feel like i'm drifting away from my friends, i mean the people i hang around with at school, whom i don't really do anything with because they live 20 mins away from where i live, and they can get toghether randomly if they feel like it and i have to ask my parents to drive for a total of 40 minutes (20 there and 20 back, i can add, what a genius) because they won't let me drive even though i have my license.
so... that's the long and short of it. i want ot be friends with some of the girls from dance, who live 20 minutes away, but not right down the street from each other.
I came to a revelation, which although obvious, i hadn't actually noticed: Everyone has something unique to add to conversation. So therefore stop being worried if you have a different opinion as everyone else, or if you word things differently than others, because that's what's unique you're adding to the conversations.
So why don't i do that? i need to do that around the other girls from dance, and i've got a plan: I'm going to try to become better friends with the girls from dance, but slowly in steps. I don't like it when i set goals which are seemingly unnatainable. Firstly, this will be from now until Christmas, I will join in on their conversations once in a while, maybe two or three times before Christmas. If they are like _________ is to ______, then i will figure they don't want to be my friend. If they aren't like that, I will try to be with them more often and my ultimate goal for the second half of the year is to be friends with them, but more importantly: have a social life.
I've been thinking a little, that i still like girls better than guys, but if a guy is clean, and good looking, in my terms, I think i like them too. It's more conventional, and i may not be proud of my boring-ness, but i'd rather like to be "normal" (hetero) so that might come in handy :) If i am bi, i will hopefully end up getting married to a guy because (I know i shouldn't think this) but i don't want people to think "ew, she's a lesbian!" The thing is, if someone thinks that, i can't think they are a closed minded idiot without calling my past self a closed minded idiot.
Anyway, tis all for now.
random thoughts