Nov 04, 2008 23:35

To quote The Onion.

And now that Obama has things secured...

I am full of too much champagne and super-wired and anxious about Propositions 4 and 8. Frankly, I am even more worried about 4 than I am about 8. Pro-life wingnuts have been trying to chip away at women's sovereignty over our own freaking bodies for entirely too long now and that shit has got to stop. Now. And personally, I believe that same-sex marriage is a great next step to legally supporting and validating relationships of all configurations, not just romantic couples. Visiting someone you love in the hospital and making decisions for a child you are already raising in the day-to-day: Those things are rights. Not privileges for a privileged, married few. That is a change I sincerely hope, but also sincerely doubt, I will see in my lifetime.

I hope that with PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA (ooooh I am so relieved to type that) in office, the attitudes leading to such ballot measures will become scorned and eventually passé, and that soon we will all dance together holding hands with unicorns in a field of cotton candy flowers under starlight. I am thrilled and amazed that Colorado's Amendment 48 - the unimplanted zygote : person :: abortion : murder one - did not pass. COLORADO, people. And Pennsylvania went blue. PENNSYLVANIA. Is day night and night day? Although Arkansas officially believes that same-sex couples should not be able to adopt children. And Arizona says no to same-sex marriage. Although with their history, that is not too surprising.

I have to ask the people who think teenagers seeking abortions need adult supervision when they are clearly already thinking for themselves...the people who think same-sex relationships are invalid...the people who think queers should not be parents: What is your damage? Where do you get off? How does one person's search for fulfillment for themselves and betterment for their communities take away ANY goddamn thing from YOU? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...REMEMBER?

But back to the presidency. I am worried about Obama, too, for a bunch of reasons. He is much more of a centrist than I would prefer to have in office (although really, pretty much everyone is), and while I was supremely unthrilled that he was pro-Patriot Act, he officially started to lose me when he quit his church and voted for FISA. Obviously he is a waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better option than the alternative. Way better in a million ways. Way better in ways beyond just his track record - including better in ways that got JFK assassinated. There is a reason Jews stomp on a glass at our weddings, and it is not just to commemorate the destruction of the Second Temple. We cannot get too comfortable. Because we know what can happen. America, let's be more like the Jews. Or something.

And that is not to say that I did not whoop, yell, cry, or otherwise do the yes dance when even "fair and balanced" Fox News called in favor of Obama. Or when McCain conceded. Or when Obama gave his victory speech. I yessed a lot. In fact, I am still yessing. Hard. Hard...and cautiously.

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