I am in San Francisco for the week, doing things like walking places, being around actual dykes, shopping at Crossroads for the summer clothes that get put on deep discount because it's never summer here, and shooting rifles at
Chabot Park in some far-off land called Castro Valley. My old roommate Den Mother and I got some zen in today at the 50-yard range with his 1914 Enfield, two SKSes (one with scope, one without), and Ruger. The Ruger and I did not make friends, and I could not for the life of me get a handle on the ghost ring sight on the one SKS, but the other SKS and I are going to get married (see photo), and then I am going to have an affair with the Enfield. I did sort of feel like I was cheating using a scope, but compared to all the dudes around me - and they were all dudes - with their fancy little gun rest setups that did everything but pull the trigger, I was practically freehanding it. I still prefer handguns, particularly the .357 Magnum, because there's more freedom of movement and I hate being physically stuck in one position...which, now that I think about it, explains why my art modeling career was so short-lived. I only got hit on by one creepy guy and made the fatal mistake of referring to Den Mother as my "friend" instead of letting the guy think he was my bf/husband, but for all the creepiness, he was still quite polite because really, you have to be a special kind of idiot to indulge in any serious jackassery in a place with that many loaded weapons.
Den Mother lent me a zombie survival guide today, too. We are honing our skills in the event of attack.