Геккель был прав

Sep 15, 2015 11:24

Приношу извенения покойному Геккелю и всем пострадавшим от моего навета
Да, его уличили в подлоге, но по формальным правилам он остался прав
Ну, и хвост у эмбриона, как пишет и показывает на фото дик.академик, все-таки есть.

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brant_1 September 15 2015, 09:28:31 UTC
Привожу письмо в редакцию журнала Science авторов той статьи по поводу интерпретации их результатов.
Hanken, J. and Richardson, M. K. (1998). Haeckel's embryos. Science 279, 1288.

Haeckel's Embryos
A recent paper that we authored with several colleagues challenges the idea that there is a Fraud rediscovered," Research News, 5 Sept., p. 1435). Regrettably, in the resulting debate over Haeckel and the reality of the vertebrate "phylotypic" stage, what we regard as one of the main implications of our results for contemporary studies of the developmental basis of evolutionary change has been largely overlooked.
The idea that there is an identical embryonic stage (the phylotypic stage) common to all vertebrates implies that changes in development that underlie the considerable variation in adult morphology of these animals appear only later in ontogeny. In this sense, the concept of the phylotypic stage is an explicit statement, or hypothesis, about the temporal deployment of evolutionary changes in development. Yet we show that at least some significant differences in adult morphology, involving characters as fundamental to the vertebrate body plan as limbs and somites, begin to appear before, and are apparent at, the putative phylotypic stage. These and similar observations (3) seriously diminish the validity and applicability of the phylotypic stage concept for the vertebrates. More important, they remind us of the potential significance of earlier developmental events to the determination of animal form, and that these too are frequent targets of evolutionary perturbation.

James Hanken Department of Environmental, Population, and Organismic Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0334, USA E-mail: james.hanken@colorado.edu
Michael K. Richardson St. George's Hospital Medical School, London SW] 7 ORE, United Kingdom

Haeckel's embryos. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51306083_Haeckel%27s_embryos


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