Due to a lack of interesting and hard hitting questions, WRAH has decided to join myspace and create the Best Survey Ever:
1. (for the girls) Whenever you experience camel toe, do you dress your clitorus right or left? Would you fix your offending situation in public, or wait until a restroom became available?
i never wear anything that tight
2. At What age did you begin masturbating? (you know you do, so spill it!)
3. If you are gay, is there anyone of the opposite sex you would dare to be straight for? Vice/ versa for the breeders. Why?
um . . . not really. don't like real penis.
4. Have you ever been to a performing arts performance? Ballet, Opera or Symphony... What did you think?
yeah. i've liked them all.
5. Boxers, boxer briefs, panties or thongs?
none for me . . . depends for other people
6. What is your favourite beer? If you do not like beer, then you suck.
i just like bitch beer and i know that doesn't count. my bartender tells me so.
7. If someone gave you $5,000.00 cash to shave your head, would you?
who wouldn't? it's just hair. it'll grow back.
8. Do you like sex toys?
yes, please :)
9. Where do you usually get your porn from?
ziggy's camera :)
10. What is your favourite illegal drug?
don't do those
11. Do you like your job?
i love teaching, but right now i'm a student and that's a full time job, too. and yeah, so far i like it :)
12. If you could have a chance to sit naked in my jacuzzi with ANYONE of your choice, who would it be?
just sit? who just sits? and i plead the fifth
13. If I could offer up George W. blindfolded, gagged and bound, what you do?
14. Would you sacrifice yourself to save the world?
do you deserve to be saved? does it matter anyway? now ae we talking about no more humans or no more earth? cause i firmly believe humans need to be eradicated.
15. Are you horny right now?
am i berathing?
16. Who is your favourite artist?
right now . . . i dunno . . .
17. Does this skirt make me look fat?
nothing can posibly make you look fat . . . okay like if you gained 100 lbs . . . maybe . . .
18. How much of an Olympic sized swimming pool could you fill if you were to pour all the alcohol you have drunk since you started drinking?
i dunno . . . got an empty pool? lets find out . . .
19. Do you still watch cartoons? If so, which ones?
oh yeah. The Simpsons, Family Guy, the fairly oddparents, Invader Zim . . .
20. Have you ever had a mind blowing orgasm?
21. If someone came up to right now and offered you your dream job in a different city, but you had to leave right now, would you take it?
no. i'm very happy right now and chasing something like that would force me to leave too much behind.
22. Star Wars or Star Trek?
i like both
23. Angelina or Mila?
24. Who's a bigger prick, Rush Limbaugh or The Pope?
That fat bastard.
25. Have you ever gone to work drunk?
26. Do you like your boss?
not really.
27. Do you pick your nose when you think no one is watching?
yep. i'm in favor of clean nasal passages.
28. What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
spare what? have you forgotten . . . grad student . . . aka being ass raped everyday by homework
29. Large crowds or prefer small groups?
usually small groups. i like conversation
30. Roller coasters or stuff holder?
*hands up* *front row* wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee