Nov 12, 2006 20:19
So at the Grove today I found myself in the interesting position of trying to explain what Reconstructionism was. We were discussing upcoming Yule plans (which I may or may not be able to attend, depends on what my holiday plans are, whether I'm traveling home for Christmas or not) and we had an explanation of a Sumbel (sp?) rite taken from the Troth website, that's how it came up. I believe I was the only person in the room also affiliated with Reconstructionist organizations, so I was fielding the brief discussion (thankfully brief, there was a moment when I sensed the potential for an argument to begin, some people have very strong feelings you know :-)).
I think I did fairly well for being put on the spot suddenly like that. I'm not very used to being an (quasi) authority when it comes to religious matters, I usually sit back and let others speak since others tend to know more than me. Second time its come up in the Grove so far, as Renee and I seem to be the only people around with some knowledge on ancient Greek religion. And one of these days I'm going to be forced to teach some people about who Dionysos really is and all that he encompasses, as I've heard him spoken of as though he was solely the god of wine, drunkenness, madness and orgiastic sex (although I don't think I know enough about him to really speak up on his behalf, but I know of a few websites I could point people to).
So anyway, talking about Reconstructionism in very general terms today is making me think of it in more personal terms, like why do I choose to affiliate myself with such groups. I brought up respect for tradition and all that, but that's not really why I hang around with Recons. I don't think the ancient religion is the one and only appropriate way to worship the gods. I have no moral objection to Wicca or other modern religions, my objections to Wicca are all personal ones, its not a religion for me not one that fits my character, I don't mind that it exists or that people practice it and worship ancient gods with a modern religion (now whether or not the gods mind that is for them to say not me, but since Wicca is still around and going strong I would have to say chances are at least some gods approve of it).
What drew me in initially was the ritual structure, the sheer simplicity of it. I have no particular use for tons of pomp and ceremony, they tend to distract me rather than help. I was talking about attempting to do ritual in a close format to what the ancient Greeks actually did, but really the order of ritual is quite simple and basic: lighting candles/incense, calling to deity, hymns and/or prayers, offering and/or libation, etc. What religious ceremony doesn't include something like this? ADF does as well, they just attach a little more ritual drama to it than I would personally prefer (although having now been to a large group ritual I do see how the ritual format makes sense in that setting, it is a little much for just one person though).
The other thing that drew me in is the general focus on the gods. Rather than on nature, the cycles of the earth, etc. Which is not to say that such things are in no way a part of Greek religion, just that its not the center upon which the religion is built. "Nature worship" is just not something I could ever get my head around.
And hey, I do appreciate any institution that is founded on actual knowledge, as opposed to whatever bullshit idea I just pulled out of my ass. I've always believed one should study the history of one's deities, that it is a matter of respect, and also then at least if one should choose to ignore tradition they do so out of knowledge rather than ignorance. As someone who has had to work hard for the knowledge and wisdom I do possess, people who are needlessly and willfully stupid just piss me off.
However I've never been of the opinion that ancient tradition is something that should be slavishly followed, that if we can't prove the ancient Greeks actually did it themselves its no good. That's crap, its not as though if the ancient religion had survived in an unbroken tradition all this time that they'd still be doing the exact same thing people did two thousand years ago with no alteration whatsoever. There's nothing wrong with innovation (within certain guidelines, what those guidelines are I don't know, I can't tell you exactly where the line is but I know when its been crossed) provided that people are honest about what they're doing. Neokoroi (in my own opinion anyway) respects that and that's why I signed up with them and that's why I remain a member now (not the only reason why, but one of the big ones).
That's my thoughts on things anyway.