Somebody pointing out that it seems there are
two different approaches to religion in the Hellenic community (one primarily focused on culture and ethics; the other primarily on the gods themselves) should not be a signal for you to jump up on your tired old throne of infallibility soap box and start screeching, "See, I was right! We Recon are Doing It Right and the rest of you are nothing but a bunch of fluffy eclectic NeoPagans (with all the bile and venom I load on to that term) who do whatever feels good to you and pull everything directly out of your impious asses! See, everyone agrees with me, I'm right and that's why you all elected me Pope! TIMMAY! TIMMAY!"
It really is amazing how some people will see only what they want to see.
I am trying to resist further comments, because the two of them aren't worth the time you'd waste acknowledging their existence. Ruadhan is such a bad influence. :-P