pagan_prompt : What are your views on the gods/spirits/the divine?
Yeah, I know this is one I talk about quite extensively, but if you're all still here I have to assume you aren't completely bored with it. :-)
Are they actual beings or products of our imaginations (if they are imaginary, how do you explain claims of Shared Personal Gnosis or Confirmed Gnosis)?
Actual beings that exist independently of humans
Are all the gods facets of one being, an independent class of beings, aspects of even higher cosmic beings, or something else?
I am a hard polytheist with all the baggage that implies. I believe in multiple deities that are all individual independent beings. I don't believe all the gods are really the same, I don't believe in the existence of any being known as The One. I also believe the deities from all different cultural pantheons exist, that they are not merely different interpretations of the same being (or inferior and incorrect interpretations, oh gods I just came across someone spouting such an opinion, I sincerely hope he isn't giving people the impression that everyone worshipping Greek and Roman deities believes that shit, or that we're all such classless assholes that, assuming we did hold that opinion, we'd go around sharing it with those who do worship in other cultures and traditions, for what possible purpose?). Just because I have never personally met a god or felt their presence is not proof that they don't exist; and though this is an apparent sore spot for those who believe differently and something they can't wrap their minds around (and something they love attacking me on) I see nothing inherently illogical about more than one sun deity.
Do the gods/spirits have a specific form or do we give them forms (ala Xenophanes)?
I think the gods give themselves forms, tailoring them to what we need/want. There are some certain elements that seem to be fairly consistent (Hermes isn't ever obese, or Aphrodite ugly that I'm aware of) and the way I view certain gods is the same image that others of their worshippers hold even down to certain small details. But its never the only possible image there is.
Are they immortal or not?
Immortal yes. Its the eternal part I have some issue with (I believe change is the only eternal, and not in the existence of beings that can escape that change entirely).
Do the gods/spirits need substance of any kind - if so what?
If the question being asked is do the gods need the attention of human beings in order to continue existing, I have to say no. Were that the case, then none of the ancient gods would exist anymore, having been ignored or treated like story book characters for a thousand plus years; obviously, since I worship those beings, I have some reason to believe they are still around. That said, obviously they do get something out of the attention they receive and the bonds they form with their worshippers or else why would they seek us out? I do think they sometimes need people to act in the world on their behalf in a way they can not do themselves, I think some do genuinely care about us as a whole and want to help out (and some don't give a shit at all), and then of course there is the entertainment factor. :-P
How do they relate to one another - do they act with one will or do they sometimes conflict?
Like whenever a group of sometimes drastically different personalities get together, some are going to get along and some are not (to put it mildly). There are some rather famous deity conflicts (like Loki and Heimdal) that I've seen reported by everyone I know who has had dealings with them.
What about gods/spirits of other traditions - are they independent beings or are they the same beings (if they are independent beings what if they have the same cosmic roles)?
This I answered above. My personal experiences dealing with deities from different pantheons who are classically associated with each other is that they are most definitely not the same (and is also the reason why I'm not impressed by attacks that my views are "not attested to by ancient philosophers"). Likewise like I said above, I have no problems with the idea of multiple sun gods. I do not believe the gods are All Powerful, that they are caged by their known functions or that they always cause things to happen within the realms of their interest, rather I think the can exert limited influence over natural phenomena. In that view I don't see a conflict in believing more than one god can make it rain.
Are the gods/spirits transcendental or immanent (that is do they exist beyond what we know as the natural world or are they part of it)?
I lean toward immanent. I do believe the gods are a natural part of the worlds, but I also think there is more to the worlds than what most people realize.
How do spirits such as coyote relate to real coyotes?
I've noticed deities caring about the animals/places/natural phenomena that they are associated with, sometimes charging their people to care about such things as well. These things can also serve as ways for them to get your attention and send messages.
Do the god/spirits intervene in human affairs?
Oh yes, yes they do. In some individual cases, they intervene a little too much. That doesn't mean that they always can intervene (or that they will always be motivated to do so), but yes its possible. Believe me :-P
Do the gods/spirits have any power over the natural world (i.e. can they create miracles and suspend the normal laws of physics)?
Yes, but I don't believe they are omnipotent. I do not believe they can violate the laws of physics, and I don't believe they can always stop things from happening (sometimes the tornado has to hit, sometimes you have to suffer loss, the gods can't save you from it all).