Sep 16, 2008 17:13
My sister called me up to let me know how the week visiting the inlaws in North Carolina went (very well, I guess they've decided to stop acting like total asshats and are focusing on getting to know their grandson instead). And she had a rather amusing story to tell me.
During the flight to North Carolina both her and Phil had their cell phones turned off, when they landed she turned both of them back on and saw that Phil had a text message. It was a North Carolina number (Phil does have a North Carolina number, by the way) and not one that either of them recognized. Phil told her to open the message, might as well she what it was. And so she did.
It was a photo of someone's penis.
After a few minutes of what the fuck, she decides to text him back, "Who the fuck are you?"
She gets a message back, "Don't you recognize me? :-)"
"No. I don't."
"Well, you should. Unless this is the wrong number or something."
"Yeah, I think you got the wrong number."
Didn't text back again, she wishes now she had told him this is my husband's cell phone, you know.
You know, if you're going to go around texting people pictures of your penis, you want to make very certain you dial that number correctly. Now my sister has your penis, and she may very well decide to put it up on the internet (yes, she's evil enough to do that :-)).
stupid people